Country study United Kingdom. The Parliament of Great Britain. The Parliament was formed in 1707 by the Acts of Union. The oldest Parliament.. n the House of Commons. n the House of Lords. The House of Commons. Meets at the Palace of Westminster.. The Com ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
lectures by Daniya Nureeva
Country study United Kingdom
Lesson 6 2nd part
The Parliament of Great Britain The Parliament was formed in 1707 by the Acts of Union. The oldest Parliament. Upper House House of Lords Lower House House of Commons
Parliament has three main functions: n Legislative: to debate the major issues of the day and passing all laws n Control the executive government: examining the work of the government n Representation of the country: enabling the government to raise taxes
The business of Parliament takes place in two Houses: n the House of Commons n the House of Lords
Their work is similar. Both must debate and vote.
The House of Commons Meets at the Palace of Westminster. The Commons is publicly elected. Members in the House of Commons are elected for a period of five years. 651 members of the House of Commons. The House Commons elects a speaker. Doesn't take part debate nor vote. John Bercow since 22 June 2009. The House of Lords Life Peers Baron or Baroness, ¼ are women. In total they are 674 for today.
Hereditary Peers inherit their seats. They are 90. Spiritual lords are 24. In some cases members are appointed by the Queen. To become law … A Bill must be agreed by both Houses. n The members of Parliament must debate and vote, the Speaker reads the result. n Second Reading, it is sent to a Committee to be detailed. n After days the Bill comes back to The House of Commons. n Third Reading, the final text is approved or rejected. n The Bill goes through the same stages in the House of Lords. n When a Bill is given Royal Assent it becomes an Act of Parliament.