Двойное отрицание. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. Двойное отрицание. При передаче двойного отрицания на русский язык используется прием антонимического перевода, то есть отрицательное высказывание на языке оригинала становится утвердительным на языке переводе.
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Exercise 7.1. Переведите предложения, содержащие эмфатические обороты: 1. The problem does exist, whatever you think about it. 2. It was the Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens, who first offered an explanation for the phenomena. 3. Not only does the government support the needy population, but it also subsidizes all the agricultural sector. 4. Related to the market reforms are the issues of privatization and entrepreneurship. 5. Nor should there be distortions in social policies of the local governments. 6. The hum was at its faintest. 7. Included in the report are the latest figures submitted by the statistic board. 8. It is these special properties of sound that are the subject of the present chapter. 9. Whoever the author of this project may have been he should have coordinated his actions with the executive bodies. 10. It was conceivable that this city of Constantine could have died with him. That it did not was the work of his son. 11. This option is not improbable in the present situation. 12. It was not until mid-90ies that some progress was observed. 13. It is these facts that drew our special attention. 14. No sooner the committee started operating than the first positive results could be seen. 15. It was L. Balcerowicz who introduced a “shock therapy” economic policy in Poland in the early 90-ies. 16. Gone are the days of reckless youth! 17. It was not until Einstein discovered the connection between gravitation and inertia that the mystery Newton could not understand was solved. 18. As early as in 1953 the first tractor “Belarus” was assembled in Minsk. 19. I don't at all disbelieve you. 20. It is because you and I have different ideas that this company will run a smaller risk of making mistakes. 21. Strange as it may seem, they were reluctant to learn from native speakers of English. 22. The list of world fastest computers includes no machine with a performance of less than 851 gigaflops. 23. The economic growth reached as much as 5 percent last year against 11 percent two years ago. 24. Never was there a greater surplus of the U.S. budget than in 1999. 25. It was not until about 1911 that a first really successful theory of atomic structure was suggested by Rutherford. 26. And I paid what I deserve? 27. Abroad remains Mr. Bush’s priority the war on terrorism. 28. Yet H.G. (Wells) had not an enemy on earth. Exercise 7.2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные средства выражения эмфазы (изменение порядка слов): 1. Up goes unemployment, up go prices,and downtumbles the Labour vote. 2. Indeed,there has been an increase in the bombing since the Paris meeting started. It isbombs, not U Thant's words which are sabotaging the talks. 3. Ulanova bidmore thanembellish the art of dance. 4. His audience last night may also have been less than enthusiasticabout the Prime Minister's attitude towards Government spending. 5. The sun was shining and the Mediterranean was at its bluest. 6. Hard isthe path of sportsmen chosen to represent Britain at the Olympic Games. They have to contend with a Government to mean to finance a team. 7. It was one of London's most famous citizens, Dr. Samuel Johnson, who said: "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life." 8. His chef was as good as anyin Paris and you could be sure at his table of having set before you the earliest delicacies of the season. Exercise 7.3. Переведите, как можно точнее передавая значение усилительного «do»: 1. Materialism does not deny the reality of mind. What materialism does deny is that a thing called «the mind» exists separate from the body. 2. Certainly a great deal of new English poetry does meet with indifference because it seems private and incomprehensible. 3. While we have no language Academy for English, we do have something that partly serves the purpose, and that something is the dictionary. 4. The one thing, though, which must be set to her credit, is that she did initiate. She followed no one, but introduced what was actually a new type of novel. 5. These old manuscripts are not so easy to read as our modern books, for the reason that there are no spaces between words. The later manuscripts however, do sometimes have spaces between the words just as we have. 6. He (Maugham) does, however, belong of right to that small and select company of contemporary writers whose best work, we may reasonably assume, will survive beyond their lifetime. 7. What possibilities and potentialities in politics, arts, sciences, vanished among the shell holes and barbed wire, we shall never know. But consequences of this war we do know, and we cannot ignore them. 8. It is perhaps necessary to remind the reader that there is a nucleus of fact hidden among all this fictitious embroidery. Kublai Khan did send a large fleet against Japan about the time stated, which met with a fate similar to that of Spanish Armade. Exercise 7.4. Переведите отрицательную форму прилагательного (наречия, причастия) без отрицания. Найдите наиболее подходящий способ перевода: 1. The total number of German words in English is not inconsiderable. 2. To find a poet who is also a literary critic is not unusual nowadays. 3. Not infrequently the primary meaning (of a word) dies away and the derivative meaning remains. 4. To group these artists into schools is a little pedantic. . Yet it is not unreasonable to group together the painters who worked chiefly in Florence. 5. The changes of sound here are not irregular. 6. Not dissimilar effects are found in painting. 7. It is not without significance, also, that this work was utilized as a basis for the libretto of a popular opera. 8. These scholars then carried the New Learning (The Renaissance) to all parts of Europe, and the learned men of England were by no means unrepresented among them. 9. These two volumes were savagely, but not unfairly, criticized. 10. None of the long poems are uninteresting, and very few are insignificant or unsuccessful. 11. Kitchener whose arrogance was not dissimilar to Curson's was not prepared to tolerate a situation in which his proposals were criticized from the military point of view by the military member of Council. 12. The scenes and characters themselves are depicted most graphically, often even dramatically, and humour is not wanting where it is suitable. 13. If in historical times people were relatively safe from the assaults of enemies and from robbery, they feared dangers of other kinds which threatened them and their houses. Belief in magic and witchcraft is primeval and was not lacking even in the classical age of Greece.
Exercise 7.5. Найдите выделяемый член предложения. Переведите предложения, подбирая наиболее подходящие усилительные слова: 1. Of the countries of Western Europe, it is France that has the greatest number of human fossils. 2. It is no doubt to this quality that the great popularity of this collection is due. 3. It was only through treachery that the Turks had taken Antioch in 1085. 4. It was during the reign of the same Emperor that the Bulgars, who in later days played so important a part in Byzantine history, first established themselves in the Balkans. 5. Schools flourished in monasteries connected with York, Yarrow and Whitby, and it is to these that the literature about to be described owes its origin. 6. But, after all, it is not by means of any tricks or devices that, the remarkable effect of Milton's verse is produced: that surely is due to the genius of the author whose mind and soul were full of music and harmony. 7. All the extensions of human control over external nature have been due to improvement in tools. For it is mainly with the aid of tools that men can act upon and alter the material world around them. 8. In 1681 John Dryden wrote his four celebrated Satyres, which brought him into still greater prominence in society and at Court. It is largely on these that his fame as a poet now rests. 9. It was only with the beginning of that literary movement which we call Romanticism that men of letters, artists and scholars began to turn their attention seriously to the investigation of regional dialects. 10. However it is with Leonardo the painter and sculptor that this book is concerned, and though from his paintings one can guess at a massive intellect one could hardly deduce the empirical scientist and inventor. 11. It was to Lyme Regis, the delightful little seaport and bathing beach, where we made a brief stop on our way to Exeter, that Charles II came after the battle of Worcester when he planned to escape from England.
Exercise 7.6. Переведитепредложения: 1. The first part of this work did not come out until 1940. 2. Cotton was not introduced (to Japan) from China until later and wool was unknown. 3. «Utopia» 6 was written in Latin about 1516, and it was not translated till 1551, some years after More's death. 4. Tennyson's last work, «Death of Oenone», was not published until after his death on October 6th 1892. 5. In England ancient fields indicate that no plough was used till late in the local bronze age, about 800 В. С., and then at first only in the south. 6. Silver and lead were known in Hither Asia before 3000 В. С., but neither was used in Britain till after 500, though Britain is well supplied with lead ores. Exercise 7.7. Переведите предложения, предварительно отыскав обе части сказуемого, перемещенные из-за инверсии: 1. In architectural unity Chekhov surpasses all Russian writers of the Realistic age. 2. Only in Pushkin and Lermontov do we find an equal or superior gift of design. 3. Not only has this custom many parallels in modern times, but it can be demonstrated that it has survived in Greece since antiquity. 4. Onlyfrom this point of view is it possibleto approach the problem. 5. In no department of literature was so great an advance made during this period as in prose. 6. News about Japan reached Russia relatively late. Not until the seventeenth century do we find mention of Japan in Russian sources. 7. Only in two cases can we find a similar construction. 8. Not only did they edit and print textbooks on Confucianism, but they compiled books for popular education. 9. Only in 1733 did justice triumph when a new investigation was launched and both villains were hanged. 10. Nor can the author resist the temptation of bestowing on the reader tedious displays of his erudition, or of introducing foreign or obsolete words. 11. Prosper Merimee may at first sight seem to be completely outside the Romantic movement, for neither as a man AOL as a writer does he share any of its obvious and flamboyant characteristics. 12. Onlytomorrow willthey receiveour telegram. 13. Naturally, Hamlet is bitter against such a trimmer as Polonius. Nor could there, apart from reasons for direct resentment, be any community of feeling between the types so antagonistic. 14. The «forts» were not works of defence either strategic or social. Nor were they sacrificed places: they were something special. They were economic units, enclosed villages. 15. Hardly had the Turks taken possession of Tarsus (a city), when three thousand Normans arrived before the city, having come from the main army to reinforce Tancred. 16. The king of Dahomei himself was subject to 8 the prohibition of beholding the sea, and so were the kings of Loango and Great Ardra in Guinea. 17. Only after 1500 В. С. do bronze sickles begin to figure in Egyptian pictures or European hords. 18. In no part of the world, perhaps, are the inhabitants better fishermen. 19. Only occasionally do human bones found in these tumuli indicate the action of fire. 20. He knows three foreign languages, and so doeshis sister. 21. The dust had hardly settled over the battlefields of the world, when newspapers began to carry reports of a sensational new discovery in the field of biblical archaeology. 22. No sooner, however, had his mother discovered that her son had found through imaginative play a method of stimulating his mind, than she put an end to the fairy tales. 23. The negotiations had barely been resumed, when sudden disaster overtook both sides. In the forenoon of December 23, an earthquake shook the area and a great tidal wave deluged the coast. 24. Only after the proofs had been corrected did he leave the publishing-house. 25. Agricultural tasks succeed each other in due order because they are bound up with the seasons, and so also do the rites and ceremonies which are connected with the tasks of sowing, reaping, threshing, gardening, and fruit gathering. 26. Onlyin one paper didwe findconfirmation of our theory. 27. The two words are not enough alike in sound to cause their confusion, nor do their written symbols look alike enough. 28. Not only have her inland position and her relation to the Asiatic mainland influenced Japan greatly, but the characteristics of the land itself have been important. 29. Other examples of sound language not based on speech are the Army bugle calls, each one of which has a different meaning which the soldiers must learn. Nor should we forget our conventional way of indicating approval by clapping the hands and disapproval by hissing. Exercise 7.7. Переведите следующие уступительные предложения: 1. Whatever value may be attached to the work as history — it is probably biassed as regards the character of Richard — it is the work of a master of English prose. 2. The following translations, inadequate as they are, may help to give some idea of the character of this poetry. 3. Strangely as it seems to us, the play is devoid of real action, for the above events are not shown on the stage. 4. This work, however valuable it may be for research into mythology, the manners, the language, and the legends of early Japan, is a very poor production, whether we consider it as a literature or as a record of facts. 5. But, great as have been the triumphs of these new methods, it should not be forgotten that everything is not said when the facts of a language are interpreted in the terms of linguistic history. 6. Inexperienced though they were in navigation, the two men safely reached that island in a small boat. 7. Whoever the authors may have been, their primary object was the promotion of piety. 8. Excellent though it be from a literary standpoint, this book is yet a paradox; for it gives a most unexciting (but far from 9. Whatever the reason, there are few panels of early date in existence today which show really first-class work. 10. Little as he (Galsworthy) indulged in dialect, he occasionally admitted a certain satisfaction in this fact, and lived much of his working life in this country, and made it the scene of some narratives. 11. Important as fishing was for the Eastern Islanders (Жители о-вов Пасхи и Таити), it was never as vital to them as to the Tahitians. 12. Science teaches us inseparability of matter and motion. However static some things may seem to be, there is in them continual motion. 13. According to idealism, however closely the mind may be connected with the body, it is nevertheless distinct and separable from the body. 14. Most of this volume is taken up with dissertations on the principles of government, which, however necessary for a comprehension of the motives and ideas of Japanese statesmen of the old regime, are not very interesting to the European reader. Exercise 7.8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод сравнительных конструкций: 1. Mr. Mitchell is as excited about the advent of the digital age as any cyber-buff you can find. 2. For the Dean the next few days were as hellish as any he had ever known. 3. Dickens described his marriage as having been for a long time “as miserable a one as ever was made.” 4. When stand-up comedy became popular, women were the butt of jokes of male comics, so women had to have their own stick – the way men smelled in bed, the crap of living with a partner, Linda (a stand-up comedian) never did any of that. Linda was as good as any man at jokes that weren’t gender based or socio-based. 5. Stuart Pearce is as patriotic as they come but inexperienced. Arsene Wenger, whose grasp of the language and length of service in this country gives him an English feel, is as good as any but he does not seem interested.
Exercise 7.9. Переведите предложения с конструкцией as… as: (равенство с показателями времени, количества, расстояния и др. выражает высокую степень признака, выбранного для сравнения): 1. A new credit card style passport that travellers could use within Europe may be introduced as early as 2004. 2. Jung said the operation takes as little as 10 minutes and can be done as outpatient with local anesthetics. 3. Up to 4,000 British Muslim men have entered into polygamous marriages, some of them keeping as many as 5 wives, according to senior religious figures. 4. Russian business is strangled by bureaucracy, with as many as 50 signatures required to establish a limited company. 5. South Korean parents will spend the equivalent of a month’s salary on monthly tuition at English-language kindergarten and as much as $50 an hour for tutors. 6. We live with the residues of a religious mindset that sees any suicide as a sinner. As recently as the 1950s in Britain, people were still sent to prison for attempting a” self-murder”. Exercise 7.10. Переведите предложения с использованием выражения высокой степени качества или количества («more - большее»): 1. I could not agree more strongly with Michael Gove about the value of debate in a democratic society. Reasoned discourse is more than the caffeine of democracy, it is the food that democracy needs to remain healthy. 2. Just one month ago at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the top American trade official could not have been more internationally minded. 3. Recent publicity for Virgin Radio could scarcely have been more ubiquitous. 4. The governor’s (Schwarzenneger’s) trade mark grin could hardly have been wider. “I love it when the people go to the polls and flex their muscles and let their voices be heard”. 5. She’s got more money than she knows what to do with. 6. More UK companies are being taken over by foreign buyers. 7. More young people than ever are getting into the stock market but, unfortunately, many of them see it as a casino in which they have to place the right bets, grab their winnings and put them down on something else that will soar in price. 8. Search engines such as Google find acres of instant information and more “experts” than you can shake a stick at, but every computer screen should carry the warning: ”Beware “ all is not as it seems”. 9. Tokyo, the city of quirks and surprises, has everything and more than you can imagine a city to have.
Exercise 7.11. Переведите предложения с использованием выражения «which is more than» (большее как утверждение первого действия и отрицание второго): 1. How many statistical series can boast an ancestry as long as “The Economist’s” commodity price index? First published in 1864, it is probably the world’s first regularly published price index. Despite its age, it is still alive and kicking – which is more than can be said for commodity prices themselves. 2. I am still not sure whether The Ballad Of Jack And Rose is a good or a bad movie, but it certainly held my attention. Which is more than I can say for King Kong. 3. Life would be so much more interesting if we were talking about any other year ending in a five. Take 1945. It’s already a great year because the war just ended, which is more than you can say for 2005. 4. A wild band of young revolutionaries invited me as the guest of honour to a beer bust. When the session broke up I was still on my feet, and I walked , erect, unswaying – which is more than can be said of some of my hosts. 5. Look at him now. True, he is not what you would term muscular, but still he has muscles, which is more than he had when he came aboard. Exercise 7.12. Переведите предложения с использованием выражения «more than» (большее как отрицание предполагаемого тождества): 1. When the English Football Association meets in the next few months to decide the new kit sponsor for the national team, something more than the future design of the English shirt will be at stake. 2. Even as a child of five watching the 1966 World Cup final, I was dimly aware that what was being played out on the Wembley turf was something more than a football match, that the second world war was being figuratively refought. 3. There’s more to camping than roll mats and sleeping bags. At a new luxury campsite in the south of France, you can now “sleep out in style” from the comfort of a cosy four-poster bed in an oak-framed domed tent. Modelled on the yurt- the small portable home used by the nomadic people of Central Asia – the luxury hand-crafted tent is the kind of cosy, opulent pad that Genghis Khan lived in when he was conquering the steppes of Asia. 4. Mr Lafontaine was more than just any old German finance minister. His influence extended beyond Germany. 5. One of Mayor of London’s achievements has been making Trafalgar Square more than just a place tourists go to eat sandwiches while traveling at Nelson’s column. Exercise 7.13. Переведите предложения с использованием выражения порядка следования элементов в сопоставительных конструкциях – отношения полного или частичного взаимоисключения: 1. Consumers the world over want Italian olive oil because it is supposed to be the finest, redolent of dolce vita. In truth, Italy does not grow enough olives to meet even its own demand, let alone foreigners. Spain, notItaly, actually has the world’s largest olive harvest. 2. NATO and not the EU has been responsible for the relative peace in this continent over the past 50 years. 3. In democracies, communities with varying beliefs about ultimate questions can live together in a spirit of respect, if not always in amity – even when different beliefs imply different individual choices. 4. “Sense and Worth,” as the pamphlet is titled, argues that society no longer expects children to think independently, logically or analytically, and that able children are often isolated rather than encouraged. 5. It seems astonishing that the world is still watching rather than acting two weeks after the Lebanon war began. 6. At the World Cup games in Japan the competition’s overwhelmingly joyous, celebratory atmosphere, rather than the large number of Japanese police seems to explain why England’s often belligerent followers have behaved well. 7. Managing a network these days is more like gamblingthan business, more like truffle-hunting than agriculture, a matter of luck. 8 The headquarters of Mr. Potanin’s empire, Uneximbank, resembles a fortress as much as a financial institution. Armed guards, metal detectors and electronic gates protect the entrance to the main building. 10. The London Eye may have attracted millions of visitors, and made its creators’ names as near to any household as most architects could ever hope, but lately it has become a millstone as much as a badge of honour.
Exercise 7.14. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на отношения сосуществования: 1.The sea is potentially a source of vast amount of electrical energy as well as haddock. Scientists predict that someday whole cities would be powered by the sea. 2. The BBC’s original purpose, according to Lord Reith, its Director General, was to give people not only what they want, also what they need: it should educate and inform as well asentertain. 3. Environmental regulations have stifled exploration, as well as power-plant and refinery construction, electrical lines and gas pipes are bottlenecked. The entire West, as well as states like New York, faces energy crises and blackouts 4. By recent standards, Mr. Yeltsin’s government look quite good. For the first time in eight years, Mr. Yeltsin has a prime minister who - so far - sounds effective as well as loyal. 5. The way of the warrior is not an easy one- if you have to win elections as well as wars. One of the defining experiences of George Bush’s life must have been watching as his father, riding high in the opinion polls after his triumph over Saddam Hussein , gradually shed support at home. 6. The recent expansion (of NATO) raises several tricky questions, ranging from the readiness of several of the candidates to meet Western norms of democracy to whether NATO is getting weaker as well as bigger. 7. A change of leadership is usually a good chance of policy. This is as true of the Church as it is of politics. Exercise 7.15.Переведите, обращая внимание на порядок слов: 1. Only yesterday did I realize what was going on. 2. On the stairs was sitting a small dark-haired girl. 3. Had I known what expected her there, 1 would never have left her alone. 4. They went to concerts a great deal, as did most of their friends. 5. Hardly ever had she arrived when the storm broke out. 6. How beautiful are the flowers! 7. Seldom had I been in such a peculiar situation. 8. Never has he done better. 9. I hardly had they returned when we had a new problem to cope with. 10. He should definitely have been working all the morning. 11. On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals. 12. Only after a year did 1 begin to see the results of my work. 13. Only in a few countries does the whole population enjoy a reasonable standard of life. 14. You should always be polite. I always am polite. 15. I opened the box. Inside was another box. 16. He suddenly lifted his hand. / He lifted his hand suddenly. 17. Down came the rain. 18. I bought a new dress yesterday. 19. I, certainly, do like you.20. Once I wanted to be a doctor. 21. In January it snowed all the time. 22. Sometimes we have parties in the garden. 23. Occasionally I try to write poems. 24. Here comes your bus. 25. Actually you’re mistaken. Exercise 7.16. Переведите следующие предложения с инверсией. Сделайте выводы о способах её передачи: 1. But not one of them did he want. 2. It is with that particular tongue that Iam principally associated. 3. There was a pond in the park, and to this my friend led the way. 4. In vain did Elizabeth attempt to make her reasonable. 5. It was on the 14th of April that I received a telegram. 6. In Cossethay and Ilkston she was always an alien. 7. Oh, she did look sweet. 8. “A joke that was”, she said. 9. How strange and hard and unfriendly seemed these foreign hotel bedrooms. 10. Accustomed as I was to my friends amazing powers in the use of disguises, I had to look three times before I was certain that it was indeed he. Exercise 7.17.Сделайте выводы о способах передачи эмфазы при переводе: 1. And yet wonderful was the touch of her shoulders, beautiful the shining of her face. 2. “And they’ve already selected your wife”, Tracy guessed. Charles took her in his arms. “That doesn’t matter a damn. It’s whom I’ve selected that counts”. 3. They delivered the crabs and split the money — putting aside enough fora five-gallon tank of gas and ten pounds of salted eel. Jeff had tried not to split the money, because he certainly didn’t need it; but the Tillermans didn’t work that way, although as far as he could tell they did it. 4. She really did feel for them, she really tried. 5. And he thought, sitting in the little boat, alone on the creek, alone with the creek and the sky and the marshes, that he might want to know more. [about himself] 6. Jeff did get up from the table then. 7. The professor didn’t ask whether Jeff was strong enough to bike the miles to the school, but he did suggest that Jeff might want to build up his muscles. 8. Just as the traitist approach was inadequate to explain leadership, so was the behavioral approach. Instead, most researchers today conclude that no one leadership style is right for every manager under all circumstances. Instead, the contingency- situational approach prescribes that the style to be used is contingent on factors such as the situation, the people, the task, the organization, and other environment variables. 9. It was the headmaster of my grammar school who first brought the subject of thinking before me, though neither in the way, nor with the result he intended. 10. It was with a sigh of relief that he saw at last the crenellated walls of the lonely Chinese city. 11. All Iwant to know is what’s a Scotchman like you doing here? 12. What he really hated was that she seemed to have shown them all up. 13. What I do think is that you’re being very rude to somebody who is prepared to like you a good deal. 14. And what happens to little people when they meddle into the affairs of the great is that they get hurt. 15. That’s what people do nearly all the time. 16. The only crazy Iwas when I married him. 17. What I mean is that people are always getting mad at meand even disgusted. 18. The trouble with our young writing men is that they are still too romantic. 19. All what matters is that we love one another. 20. What puzzles me, friend, is how you can believe in so many incompatible ideas.