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John Dewey (1859-1952). Glossary

John Dewey (1859-1952)

Dewey developed the theory of scientific method as a tool for successful human endeavor. Dewey's doctrine is that certain knowledge and proper use of the scientific method will transform the problematic situation in the decision. That is, knowledge leads to a qualitative change in the object of knowledge.


Recommended readings:

In Russian:

1. Алексеев П.В. Панин А.В. Философия. Учебник. М., 2001 г.

2. Ильин А.П Философия Учебник. М. 2004 г.

3. В. Декомб Современная философия. М. 2005 г.

4. Введение в философию / Под. Ред. Фролова Н.Т./ М., 1999г.

5. Радугин А.А. Философия. Курс лекции. М., 2000 г.

6. Сегизбаев О.А. Казахская философия. XV – начала XX века.2002 г.

7. Ярошевский П.А. История философии. Минск. 2003 г.


In English:

1. Macklain N. Introduction to philolsophy. – Washington, 2000.

2. Husserl E. Phenomenology and the crisis of philosophy. - New York, 1995.

3. Heidegger M. Existence and being. - Chicago, 2001.

4. Grube G.M. The Greek and Roman philosophy. - London, 2002..

5. Gendlin E.T. Experience and the creation of meaning. - New York, 1962.

6. Elrod J.W. Being and existence in Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous works. - Princeton, 1975

7. Dummett M. Frege:Philosophy of language. - New York e.a., 2003.

8. Richardson G.T. Greek philosophy. London. 1989.

9. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion (1994). Boston: Shambhala.

10. Gard Richard (1962). Buddhism. NY: George Braziller.

11. Galakher H.O. History of Philosophy. N.Y. 2000..

12. Erricson T.U. Medieval philosophy. London. 1992.

13. Davidson E.G. Renaissance philosophy. N.Y. 1994.

14. Fanish T.R. Western philosophy. Chicago. 1986.

15. Rederich H.I. Contemporary philosophy. London. 1986.  




Русский English Қазақ
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