Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).. Pragmatism. Charles Peirce (1839-1914)Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). He was scientist and writer. In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. B. Russell seen the basic defect in the hypertrophied civilization development of the science that led to the loss of a truly humanistic values and ideals. Michael Polanyi (1891-1976). He is the author of the concept of personal knowledge. All knowledge is personal and therefore is based on individual judgments. We believe more than we could prove. We know more than we can express. He emphasized that scientism fetters thought as it did the church. Pragmatism Charles Peirce, William James, John Dewey (USA) Pragmatism - one of the most influential philosophical currents of the XX century. Pragmatism was particularly popular in the United States. Pragmatism came from the Greek word "pragma" - "case, the action." Pragmatism is often called the philosophy of deeds and actions. According to pragmatism, the only criterion of truth is the success of any venture, act, business and deed. Charles Peirce (1839-1914) Charles Peirce (USA) was the founder of the philosophical school of pragmatism. Pragmatism was a principle of practical uses of research. He accused the former philosophy of abstraction and contemplation. Philosophy should not be thinking about life and consciousness, but it should be a tool to solve specific problems in people. The main work of Charles S. Peirce was "Principles of pragmatism." William James (1842-1910). For James, the value of religion lies in the ability to help people to find a positive and confident attitude to life. According to scientist, the religion helps man to promote a true picture of himself and the environment. Religion helps people to avoid becoming a victim of the imperfections of life and society. The basic work of W. James was "The Varieties of Religious Experience" (1902).