Упражнения ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Упражнения 1. Употребите инфинитив с частицей to или без частицы to 1. You ought... (make) more of an effort at school. 2. You are not allowed ... (walk) on the grass here. 3. I can hardly... (wait)... (see) you! 4. There’s no need... (rush) — just take your time. 5. It’s difficult... (read) English books in the original. 6. The soup is too hot... (eat). You’d better... (cool) it a bit. 7. It’s nearly 8. You are going ... (miss) your lesson. 8. I must... (return) the book to the library as soon as I have read it. 9. You’d better (stop)... quarrelling now. 10. It’s kind of you ... (help) us. 11. You have ... (be) a pretty good cook ... (get) a job as a chef. 12. Why not ... (join) them? We could ... (have) a lot of fun there. 13. I have never heard him... (say) anything of the kind. 14. Are you strong enough... (lift) that box? 15. She is thoughtful enough ... (send) us a greetings card. 16. I’d like you ... (think) it over first. 17. It usually takes me an hour... (write) an essay. 18. Let me... (close) the door, shall I? 19. They can’t afford... (buy) a car. 20. I’d rather... (let) the children... (decide) for themselves. 21. They can hardly make both ends ... (meet). 22. I showed them how... (use) the computer.
2. Поставьте глагол из скобок с частицей to или без нее. 1. I’ve decided ... (start) a new project. (Я принял решение начать новый проект.) 2. She is trying ... (learn) Italian. (Она пытается изучить итальянский язык.) 3. Can you ... (lend) me your dictionary, please? (Ты можешь одолжить мне свой словарь?) 4. Mother forgot ... (book) the tickets. (Мама забыла забронировать билеты.) 5. You shouldn’t ... (argue) with your father. (Тебе не следует спорить со своим отцом.) 6. Henry promised ... (help) her.(Генри обещал помочь ей.) 7. This old photograph made me ... (cry). (Эта старая фотография заставила мне заплакать.) 8. I really hope ... (get) an interesting job soon. (Я очень надеюсь на то, что получу вскоре интересную работу.) 9. You must ... (pay) for the service. (Ты обязан заплатить за обслуживание.) 10. Let me ... (introduce) myself. (Разрешите мне представиться.)
3. Составьте из данных слов предложения, расставив их по порядку. Переведите. 1. pianist - my – to – wants – a – great – son – become 2. let – car – doesn’t – drive – his – Robin - me 3. to – early – I – up - need -wake –tomorrow 4. the – turn – iron - Sam - forgot – off - to 5. that – sleep – me – boring – made – film
4. Найдите в предложениях ошибки, если они имеются. 1. The teacher made John to apologize. (Учитель заставил Джона извиниться.) 2. What are you planning to eat for lunch? (Что ты планируешь съесть на обед?) 3. That old car may not to cost much. (Та старая машина не может стоить много.) 4. I don’t want wait any longer. (Я не хочу больше ждать.) 5. My father promised buy new shoes for me. (Мой папа пообещал купить мне новые туфли.) 6. I would like to try this shirt on. (Я бы хотел примерить эту рубашку.) 7. We must to hurry up. (Мы должны поторопиться.) 8. Mark was unable to do anything else. (Марк был не в состоянии делать что-либо еще.) 9. They couldn’t to fall asleep till midnight. (Они не могли заснуть до полуночи.) 10. Sheila refused delete files and folders about cooking. (Шейла отказалась удалять файлы и папки о кулинарии.) 5. Выберите в скобках подходящий глагол, обращая внимание на следующий за ним инфинитив. Переведите предложения. 1. You ... (can/have) to sing this song. 2. Don’t ... (allow/make) her to marry Mike. 3. Mother ... (asked/let) him to explain his words. 4. Jill ... (persuaded/made) me to play a joke on Tom. 5. We ... (saw/offered) him steal the wallet. 6. Did you ... (agree/hear) her shout at me? 7. I couldn’t ... (see/convince) her to leave early. 8. Stormy weather ... (caused/must) the airline to cancel out flight. 9. Tony ... (should/seems) to know a lot about global warming. 10. The nurse ... (saw/asked) the children to roll up their sleeves.
6. Вставьте частицуto, где это необходимо. 1. Parents should let the children … have private life. 2. I waited for my friend … get off the bus. 3. They made me … do it. 4. We can’t … let him stay outdoors. 5. He ordered the car … come at 5 p.m. 6. At last he was made … write a letter to his parents. 7. Children were allowed … go to the cinema alone. 8. Let us … be friends. 9. What makes you … think so? 10. Don’t let him … drive so fast.