Autobiography⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 23 из 23 Autobiography
I, Natallia Olifirovich, was born August 18, 1968 in Brest (Belarus). In 1975 I have begun studying in Secondary School No 14 in Brest, and in 1985 I have finished it with Golden Medal.
In 1985 I have entered the Chemistry Faculty of Belarusian State University named after V.I.Lenin. In 1995 I have finished Belarusian State University named after V.I.Lenin (Diploma ФВ No 865387). The qualification “Chemist. Teacher” was appropriated. Since 1990 till 1992 I was working as a School Psychologist in Secondary School No 23 in Brest.
In 1992 I was finished the Staff of Education Retraining Faculty of Minsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M.Gorky on a speciality “Practical Psychology”, Diploma with Honours ДВП No 009092. The qualification and the rank “Practical Psychologist” were appropriated.
Since 1992 till 1997 I was studying in internal Post-Graduate of National Institute of Education (Republic of Belarus) on a specialty “Pedagogical Psychology”.
In 1999 I have defended a Master’s Dissertation on the subject “Psychological Features of Professional Interrelations of Practical Psychologist and School Teachers”, Diploma No KH 02196.
In 2005 the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Belarus appropriated the Academic Degree of Senior Lecturer on a speciality “Psychology” to me, Diploma АД 01210.
During the work in higher school I taught a number of subjects in the field of psychotherapy and psychological help of different modalities as follows: · Humanistic Approach in Psychotherapy (Psychology Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Gestalt-Therapy Bases (Republican Institute of Professional Education) · Psychological Consulting (Psychology Faculty; Social-Pedagogical Technologies Faculty; Natural Sciences Faculty (speciality “Biology, Practical Psychology”); Musical-Pedagogical Faculty (speciality “Music, Practical Psychology”) of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Technique of Realization of Social-Psychological Training (Retraining Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Main Habits and Skills of Training Group Conductor (Belarusian Commercial Institute of Management) · Main Schools of Modern Psychotherapy (European Humanitarian University) · Social-Psychological Training (European Humanitarian University) · Group Psychotherapy (Psychology Faculty; Social-Pedagogical Technologies Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Psychological Help to Family (Social-Pedagogical Technologies Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank).
Trainings: · Training “Correction of Child Image in Representations of Teachers (Parents)” (Psychology Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Training “Formation of Professional Self-Consciousness of Psychologist” (Psychology Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank) · Training “Formation of Self-Focused Approach of Teachers to Children” (Academy of Postdiploma Education)
Since 2001 till 2005 I was a Manager of the Laboratory “Family Psychology and Psychotherapy” of Psychology Faculty of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank. Since 2005 till present time I am a Director of the Social-Psychological Center of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank.
At that time I repeatedly took part in international seminars, such as “Positive Family Psychotherapy” (January-February 1992), “Emotional Rehabilitation after Divorce” (September 1999), “Home Violence” (April 2002), and others. I have passed training by various programs and seminars in the field of modern psychotherapy methods as follows: · Gestalt-Therapy by D.N.Hlomov (Russia), R.Reznik (USA), H.Simmens (Holland), J.M.Robin (France), S.Ginger (France) · Family Psychotherapy by N.B.Kedrova (Russia) · Positive Psychotherapy by H.Peseshkian (Germany) · Bibliotherapy by H.P.Krone (Germany) · Psychoanalysis by G.Obertrais (Germany), H.Kehele (Germany), and others.
I am a member of Belarusian Association of Psychotherapists (since 2003, Certificate No 047) and of Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (since 2006, Certificate No B 00673).
Since 1996 I was studying by the long-term program “Theory and Practice of Gestalt-Therapy” of Moscow Gestalt Institute. In 2000 the qualification “Gestalt-Therapist” was appropriated to me (Certificate No 007-151), and in 2004 – the qualification “Gestalt-Therapy Teacher, Supervisor” (Certificate No 000901-01).
I am engaged in educational projects in the field of gestalt-therapists training in Belarus (in Minsk, Brest, Baranovichi). Since May 2004 I am a Founder and an Organization Development Director of Belarusian Institute of Gestalt. I repeatedly took part in training intensives in the field of gestalt-therapy. Since 2004 I am an organizer of annual intensives “Dialogue of Cultures and Accord of Styles” which pass twice per year, and since 2002 – also of annual conferences “Gestalt-Approach: from Cultural Phenomenon to Profession” in Minsk. I am a member of Editorial Board of magazines “Bulletin of Gestalt-Therapy” and “Happy Family”.
My public, therapeutic and scientific-research work in the field of gestalt-therapy is connected to conducting of training and therapeutic groups, writing of scientific and methodical articles in the field of gestalt-therapy, realization of seminars, intensives and conferences.
I constantly take part in international conferences, devoted to gestalt-therapy, as a participant and a workshop conductor. I also participate in scientific and scientific-practical conferences.
In Belarusian gestalt-community I support professional relations with colleagues, who concerns to our professional activity as gestalt-therapists with respect and who takes part in actions of Belarusian Institute of Gestalt. I have an experience of work with various co-therapists.
I am an author of more than 70 publications in the field of modern psychology and psychotherapy including 3 monographies and 5 education-methodical manuals.
Fields of scientific interests: · Gestalt-therapy · Family and group psychotherapy
More than 15 years I work in the field of psychological consulting and psychotherapy as in state structures (as a psychologist in school, in the Laboratory “Family Psychology and Psychotherapy”, in social-psychological center, as a group psychotherapist during group psychotherapy studies) and as a privately practicing psychotherapist.
Since 1999 I annually work with individual clients more than 300 hours, conduct trainings more than 800 hours, group psychotherapy – more than 200 hours, individual supervision – 50-100 hours, and group supervision – 200 hours. In relations with clients I am attentive and ethic.
I have passed training in the field of gestalt-therapy, which corresponds to standards and requirements of European Association of Gestalt-Therapy. I carry out requirements of the Ethical Code. I am a member of European Association of Gestalt-Therapy (Certificate No 05-222).