Variant 1. Task 1 Vocabulary. Task 2 Br&Am English. Task 3 Grammar. Task 4 Topic. Variant 2. Task 1 Vocabulary. Task 2 Br&Am English. Task 3 Grammar. Task 4 TopicСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Variant 1 Task 1 Vocabulary Тираж, прогноз, глубокий, честный, вторгаться, зритель, обложка, выпуск, бедствие, мультфильм, брошюра, обзор, приключение, преимущество, рекламный ролик. Task 2 Br&Am English Миллиард, продавец, адвокат, лифт, аптека, второй этаж. Task 3 Grammar Complete the sentences with the Passive Voice 1. She always (give) ______ flowers. 2. The message (send) _______ 10 minutes ago. 3. The story (write) ________ tomorrow. 4. The song (listen) ________ to many times. 5. “War and Peace” (write) _______ by Leo Tolstoy in 1869. Translate into Russian, paying attention to Complex Subject 1. The American astronaut Neil Armstrong is known to be the first man to walk on the moon. 2. He is believed to be innocent of the crime. 3. Innocent people were announced to have been murdered by terrorists. Task 4 Topic Mass media Variant 2 Task 1 Vocabulary Обзор новостей, написанный от руки, воспитание детей, ведущий, привлекать, наркомания, переплет, портативность, появление, вместо, мощный, рассматривать, быть разборчивым, брать интервью, викторина. Task 2 Br&Am English Брюки, шоссе, такси, железная дорога, перекресток, центр города Task 3 Grammar Complete the sentences with the Passive Voice 1. The birds (keep) ________ in a cage every day. 2. The fruits (pick up) _______ recently. 3. The cake (eat) _______ 10 minutes ago. 4. My laptop (repair) _______ yesterday. 5. The coffee (make/just) _______ . Translate into Russian, paying attention to Complex Subject 1. The Moscow Underground is considered to be the most beautiful in the world. 2. A hare is known to run very fast. 3. My close friend is known to have learned «Eugene Onegin» by heart. Task 4 Topic Mass media