Decision time ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Decision time
So you’ve examined your talent, skills, and interests; you’ve looks at the careers that suit those; you’ve conducted research to find out more about relevant careers; and now you’re in a position to take the next step: choosing your career path. You can always change your mind and direction at a later stage – don’t forget that many people change their career several times throughout their working lives.
What’s next? Training & Education
Identify what you need to do in order to have the qualifications and knowledge to begin your career. This might include a range of training and educational options. Speak to potential employers of your field of interest and ask them what is required to fulfill a position’s requirements. Speak to people performing the role that you’re interested in, to find out what they did to gain their employment in that position.
Draw up a plan outlining what you would like to achieve, the time-frame you have and what you need to do to achieve your goals. You need to assess the costs that you will incur to achieve your goals: these may not just be financial. Finally look at the benefits of achieving your goals. Is this the direction you want to go in? Seek out the answers to all your questions before you set foot on your chosen path.