Selecting the right career path can be difficult, so you need to be proactive about your decision. Do you affect change in your life, or are you at the whim of change? Partly, your approach to choosing the right career path is systematic. You need to consider different parts of the process, and conduct thorough research along the way. That way you will be in the best position to make the best decision.
We suggest that the first step is self examination:
Sometimes it’s difficult to establish career goals if you’re not really sure what you’d like to do. Careers can be especially tricky like that. A good place to start is some good old self examination. In this you could identify: What are your or could be your talents? These are the things that you are naturally good at. They can be discovered and developed, but not taught. What are your skills – these are how you do something. They can be learnt and are transferable. The extent to which you can develop your skills can be influenced by your talents. Your character traits – e.g. whether you like to dealing with people, what mental stimulation you need, whether you like physical work, your emotional make-up, how you handle stress and other emotions, what sort of environment you would like to work in. It might be worth asking your friends and family what they think as well. You could also examine people who you know, and consider what their strengths are, and what sorts of roles and industries that they work in are.
Roles and Industries which interest you
Secondly, you might also want to look at what sorts of roles, industries, or areas interest you. Looking in the mirror can be painful for some, but it’s important to do otherwise you might not get the most out of your time here on earth. Make sure you’re honest, keep an open mind so you consider all options before you make your decision. Also be careful not to pursue ideas or careers that seem attractive in some way, e.g. glamorous or well paid, but that aren’t actually suitable for you, e.g. you don’t have the natural strengths or personality type. Remember you have a unique set of skills and talents (like that way you can balance a teaspoon on your nose) so focus on them, and then think about where and how to apply them. This is of course a process and you will refine your evaluation of your strengths overtime, but I recommend that you start now! “Do it now” as my mother-in-law exclaims.