CONFERENCE PRESENTATION. UNIT 6. Dealing with Questions. Exercise 6.1. Here is a text about how to deal with questions during the presentation. Scan it. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 CONFERENCE PRESENTATION UNIT 6. Dealing with Questions Exercise 6.1. Here is a text about how to deal with questions during the presentation. Scan it. The question and answer session is the most difficult part of a presentation and some presenters don’t like it. You never know what questions will be asked, so you can’t really prepare and you feel nervous. The problem is you have to say something quickly and don’t have the time to think of a clever reply. That’s why it’s important to try and predict all the questions you might be asked. Before a presentation, always make a list of questions you expect people ask. Then think about possible answers and practice them. Sometimes even get friends and colleagues to ask you questions. Of course, you can’t anticipate all the questions but at least you don’t need to worry about the ones you have thought about. You feel much more confident this way. But if you know who your audience is, it is possible to anticipate most of the questions you expect to be asked. Exercise 6.2. Remember, when answering questions during or after your talk: ü listen carefully and make sure you have understood the question correctly; ü reformulate the question if necessary; ü if you want to postpone the question, say why politely; ü if you don’t know the answer, say so and offer to find out; ü answer irrelevant questions politely but briefly; ü check that the questioner is satisfied with your answer.