IV. Основная часть.. Работа над текстом (p.24, ex.2). Работа в парах (p.25, ex.2.). Аудирование (p.25, ex1.). Просмотр видеозаписи.. Изготовление льва из бумаги ( групповая работа). ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 IV. Основная часть. 1.Работа над текстом (p.24, ex.2) Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask children to predict what the text is about. Play the recoding for children to listen and follow the text. Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What's this? Where's the tail? What colour is it? Is it a bird? 2. Работа в парах (p.25, ex.2.) -Children practice the dialogue in pairs. -Act out the dialogue for the class. 3. Аудирование (p.25, ex1.) Explain that you are going to play a recording of people describing the different animals. Play the first part of the recording, then ask Which picture is it? Children point to the goat. 4. Просмотр видеозаписи. -Children close your books, watch and listen. Play fluency DVD Fluency Time1! Play Watch and answer for children to watch the scene again and answer the questions. 5. Изготовление льва из бумаги ( групповая работа). -What is the girl in the picture doing? (She is makinga lion) -What do you need to make the lion? (Coloured pens, scissors, glue.) Divide the class into groups. Give each group a copy of the lion ( see Fluency project 1). Use the pictures and instructions. Move around the class as children work, asking questions? What’s this? What colour is this? Do you like animals?
6. Игра «Wake up!» V. Заключительная часть It’s high time to finish our lesson. It was very interesting. You all did your best and I am very pleased of it. Good – bye!!!