Look at the pictures (ex.1 p.86) and say what are the people in picture doing? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Monday, the first of February Classwork 1. Look at the pictures (ex.1 p.86) and say what are the people in picture doing? a) picking flowers b) playing in the snow c) raking leaves d) going swimming
2. Match the sentences to the pictures (ex.2 p. 86). a) It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but sometimes it rains. b) It’s very hot and the sun is shining. c) It’s very cold and it’s snowing. d) It’s warm and the sun is shining. 3. Read the dialogue (ex.4 p. 86-87). 4. Answer the questions. a) What is the weather like in Scotland now? b) What is Gus doing in Scotland? c) Where is it snowing? d) What season is it in Australia now.
5. Homework. a) find phrases in the text which means: · I am tired · It doesn’t suit me · How are you doing?
b) Be ready to tell what the weather is like in Scotland, Australia and Switzerland. Start like this: Example: It’s … in Scotland.