Read and learn the new words.. Read the chapter 3 (pp.12-13). Fill in the correct words.. Homework.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒
Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of January Classwork 1. Read and learn the new words. silly- глупый joke-шутка magic- волшебный throw- выбрасывать land- приземляться excited-восторженный worried-обеспокоенный at the top-наверху
2. Read the chapter 3 (pp.12-13)
3. Fill in the correct words.
a) Mrs. Trott is very … . b) Mrs. Trott throws the … out of the window. c) Jack says the beans are … . d) The beans land in the … . e) When Jack wakes up he sees a … . f) The beanstalk is very … . g) Jack wants to … it. h) Mrs. Trott tells jack to be … .
4. Homework. Do all exercises orally.