She did not think how dangerous it was to run after them. True False
Simple Past: Don’t mess with me!
Complete the story using the past simple regular/ irregular tenses:
Yesterday evening, Joanne __________ (do/not) think of how dangerous it ________ (be) when she _______ (run) through a forest after two men. They had ________ (rush) up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and ________ (try) to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap _________ (break) and with the bag in their possession, both men ____________ (start) running through the trees. Joanne _________ (get) so angry that she _________ (decide) to run after them. She ______ (be) soon out of breath, but she ___________ (continue) to run. When she ____________ (catch) up with them, she _________ (see) that they _________ (have) __________ (sit) down and ________ (be) going through the contents of the bag, so she _______ (run) straight towards them. The men _______ (get) such a fright that they ___________ (drop) the bag and ___________ (disappear). ‘The strap needs mending,” Joanne ______ (say) to the police, ‘but they ___________ (do/ not) steal anything’. ‘I think they ___________ (pick) on the wrong person to steal from,’ said the policeman.
Circle (True) or (False). And then correct all mistakes:
1. Joanne was out last weekend. True False
2. She was having a picnic with her children. True False
3. They were at the park. True False
4. Two women suddenly came up to her. True False
5. They wanted to steal her handbag. True False
6. Joanne wanted to get her handbag back. True False
7. She did not think how dangerous it was to run after them. True False
8.She could not find the thieves. True False
9. Joanne got her handbag back. True False
10.She called and talked to the police. True False
Discussion: Do you think what Joanne did was the right thing to do? Why?