Frank left the faucet on in the kitchen.__. Suddenly the motorcycle went up on the sidewalk.____ 8. Exercise I. freeway 2 cookies, candies 3 apartment, ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 7 Frank left the faucet on in the kitchen.______________________________________________________________ 8 Suddenly the motorcycle went up on the sidewalk.________________________________________________ 8 Total: 50 KEY Exercise I 1 freeway 2 cookies, candies 3 apartment, elevator 4 vacation 5 fall 6 mail Exercise II 1a) French fries b) chips 2 a) faucet b) tap 3 a) cab b) taxi 4 a) vest b) undershirt 5 a) drapes b) curtains 6 a) pants b) trousers 7 a) baggage b) luggage 8 a) baby carriage b) pram 9 a) vest b) waistcoat Exercise III 1 bathrobe dressing gown 2 eraser rubber 3 truck lorry 4 gas petrol 5 check bill 6 line queue 7 flashlight torch 8 sidewalk pavement Exercise IV 1 labor – Am 2 theatre – Br 3 thru – Am 4 honor – Am 5 travelled – Br 6 colour – Br 7 center – Am 8 hospitalized – Am Exercise V 1 wardrobe 2 sweets 3 petrol 4 curtains 5 autumn 6 single or return 7 tap 8 pavement