The carnivorous sponge. The sea cucumber. The blue ocean snail. The treehopper
The peacock spider The male of the peacock spider not only impresses the female with its colorfully raised belly - but also the humans. The carnivorous sponge
This strange installation is a carnivorous sponge. The animal lives in over three kilometers in the Pacific off the coast of California The sea cucumber
This strange being is the only sea cucumber with legs. The echinoderm was found off the coast of Canada in northeastern Pacific at a depth of 2,660 meters. It is the only sea cucumber that moves with legs that can be retracted and retracted as needed.
The blue ocean snail This fantastic being is ... yes, what is it? A kind of primal bird? No! It is the blue ocean snail. It lives in the open sea on the water surface, where it chases jellyfish.
The treehopper
These animals live in the tropics; well over 3000 species are known to this day. On their backs they carry incredible, fantastic protuberances whose meaning is still unknown.
The coolest animals in South America
From the deserts of Chile to the Arctic Ocean of Argentina to the vast rainforests of Brazil, this continent has a sheer inexhaustible abundance of different life forms. Colorful birds, cute penguins, deadly snakes, running birds, spitting llamas or majestic condors - those who love animals get their money's worth here. Let's search for the coolest animals in South America, which, with a bit of luck, can be discovered on our travels.
Llamas and their relatives alpacas, guanacos and vicuñas are probably the "animals" of South America par excellence. People should not bother them, because then they spit and that with a fairly high accuracy. Just like her direct relatives the camels. There are very good chances to meet llamas around San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, but also in Peru and Ecuador you can easily find them.
The longest ever measured specimen of an anaconda has managed to reach the scary length of 11, 60 m. The animal, which belongs to the giant snake species, achieved world renown in the Hollywood thriller starring Jennifer Lopez. The snakes aren't quite so greedy and aggressive, as shown in the blockbuster, but there are also proven cases in which these animals of South America swallowed at least small children "in one piece", because these reptiles cannot chew.