VARIANT 7VARIANT 7 TEST 1. The closed sources of ionizing radiation are: А. Radioactive source in the leaden container В. Source irradiating out only ά- radiation С. Source irradiating out only x-ray radiation D. Source irradiating out only β- radiation Е. Source irradiating neutrons
TEST 2. Call shielding materials from β-radiation: А. Aluminium В. Lead С. Concrete D. Cadmium Е. Heavy water
TEST 3. Call shielding materials from neutron radiation: А. Lead В. Concrete С. Polymeric materials D. Aluminium Е. Layer of paper
TEST 4. Whether will be a sufficient protection by time, distance, doze and screens in work with an open source of radiation? А. Yes В. No
TEST 5. What organs are affected with radiation first of all? А. CNS and CVS В. Sexual glands & organs of hemopoesis С. Thyroid gland D. Kidneys Е. Skin & lungs
TEST 6. To what group of critical organs do the sexual glands concern? А. To 1-st В. To 2-d С. To 3-rd D. To 4-th E. To 5-th
TEST 7. Sensitivity of a tissue to radiation depends on: А. Degree of blood supply В. Degree of diffferentiation of a tissue С. Ability of cells to division
TEST 8. An extreme allowable doze of radiation for roentgenologist is: А. 5 mber/week В. 100 mber/week С. 40 mber/week
TEST 9 The hygienic standards of ionizing radiation guarantee: А. Absence of worsening of man’s health В. Absence of any infavourable changes in the organism С. Absence of sharp and chronic radiation disease
TEST 10 The basic component of a natural radiating background is: А. Space radiation В. Radio-activity of soil and water С. Radio-activity of products of a feed