VARIANT 5. VARIANT 6VARIANT 5 TEST 1. What kind of a radioactive irradiation is more dangerous to the man? А. Internal irradiation В. External irradiation
TEST 2. What from x-ray diagnostic procedures gives smaller radiation dose for the patient and doctor? А. Roentgenofluorography В. Roentgenography С. Roentgenoscopy
TEST 3. What does unit of BER show? А. ionizing ability В. Capacity of a dose С. Effect of the absorbed dose
TEST 4. Call unit of a dose of radioactive radiation: А. Ber B. Rad. C. Roentgen D. Grey Е. Curie
TEST 5. Whether is the additional protection for a radiologist required, if he receives for one week 200 mber? А. It is not required В. It is required
TEST 6. What effects of action of radiation concern to stochastic? А. Sharp radiation illness В. Chronic radiation illness С. Mutagenous, gonadotropic action
TEST 7. Whether the protection for roentgenologist is sufficient, if he receives 100 mber/hour in 30-hour working week? А. sufficient В. not sufficient
TEST 8. For what kind of radiating irradiation are the standards of a limit of allowable receipt intended? А. For internal В. For external
TEST 9 What devices are used for measurement of an exposition dose of radiation? А. Psychrоmeters В. Dоsimeters С. Anemometers О. Radiometers Е. Аctinometers
TEST 10. With what sources of radiation do radiologists work? А. With opened В. With closed
VARIANT 6 TEST 1. Unit of activity of radioactive substances is: А. Roentgen В. Curie С. Rad
TEST 2. An extreme allowable dose of radiation for a radiologist is: А. 0,5 ber/year В. 2 ber/year С. 10 ber/year
TEST 3. To what group of critical bodies does thyroid gland concern? А. To 2-d В. To 1-st С. To 3-rd
TEST 4. With what sources of radiation do doctors-radiologists work? А. With opened В. With closed
TEST 5. The level of NRB makes: А. 10-20 mber/year В. 500-1000 mber/ year С. 100-200 mber/year
TEST 6. What does grey (the unit of measurement of radiation) show? А. Capacity of a dose В. ionizing ability С. Absorbed dose
TEST 7. Corpuscular radiation are: А. X-ray rays В. Neutron radiation С. Flow of α-particles
TEST 8. Indirect action of ionizing radiations on the organism is: А. Formation of free radicals В. Damage of a nucleus of cells С. Damage of mitochondrias
TEST 9. Is the application of radioprotectors after irradiation is expedient? А. Yes В. No
TEST 10. Measures of preventive maintenance of action of radioactive iodine on organism: А. Reception of radioprotectors В. Reception of antistrumin С. Reception of potassium iodide.