b k 7 m t r b e ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct positive (+), negative (-) or question form (?) 1 There isn’t (-) a clock in this room. 2 (?) any good shops near here? 3 (+)twenty students in the class. 4 (+) a picture of you in that book. 5 (-)any banks near the station. 6 (?) a doctor here? My son isn’t well.
2 Look at the table. Complete the sentences with there is/are and some, a/an, a lot of or not any.
1 There are a lot of bookshops in this country. 2 bookshop in this city. 3 bookshops near here. 4 hotels in this city. 5 hotel near here. 6 hotels in this country.
Vocabulary 3 Match 1–7 with a)–g). 1 You eat dinner at b a) a cash machine. 2 You sleep at b) 3 You buy a newspaper 4 You make a call from d) a hotel. 5 You get medicine from e) a pharmacy. 6 You get money from f) an internet cafй. 7 You send emails from g) a newsagent’s.
4 Complete the forms of transport. 1 b u s 5 t i 2 c 6 p e 3 b k 7 m t r b e 4 t a n 8 u n e g r un
5 Complete the sentences with the correct travel words.
1 I travel by bus every day. This is my monthly pass for January. Look – it costs just twenty euros. 2 The train to Paris leaves from four. 3 With a ticket you go and come back. It’s for two journeys. 4 You buy your train ticket at the . 5 With a ticket you go, but you don’t come back. It’s for one journey. 6 There are lots of at the airport today – men, women and children. It’s very busy. 7 Flight 401 to Rome? Go to number 41, please. 8 The is a noisy place. There are a lot of buses here in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Function 6 Complete the conversations with phrases a)–f). 1 A: 1 f B: There’s one at quarter past one. A: 2 B: At quarter to six. Here’s your ticket. A: Thanks. B: Anything else? A: 3 B: Gate six. A: OK. Thank you. 2 A: 4 B: Do you want to travel today? A: 5 B: And when do you want to come back? A: 6 B: OK. That’s thirty-six euros, please.
a) What time does it arrive? b)A return ticket to Berlin, please. c) Where does the bus leave from? d) On Friday. e)No, tomorrow morning. f)