TASK 1. Study the list of verbs. Guess their meaning.
TASK 1. Study the list of verbs. Guess their meaning.
| click
| pop up
| exit [ˈegzɪt]
| select [sɪˈlekt]
| back up
| scan
| switch on
| turn off
| log out
| upload
| uninstall [ʌnɪnˈstɔːl]
| install [ɪnˈstɔːl]
| drag [dræg]
| format
| insert [ˈɪnsɜːt]
| press
| open / close
| sign up
TASK 2. Put the verbs into Past Simple.
TASK 3. Read about computer parts.

TASK 4. Do the matching and read definitions.

TASK 5. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.
