Study Chapter 7 p.129. Do ex. 1 p.142 (in written form)
Вологжанина М.А. Задание на 01.06.2020 Лексикология 1. Study Chapter 7 p.129 2. Do ex. 1 p.142 (in written form) 1.Semantics, also called semiotics, semology, or semasiology, the philosophical and scientific study of meaning in natural and artificial languages. It is difficult to formulate a distinct definition for each of these terms, because their use largely overlaps in the literature despite individual preferences. The word semantics has ultimately prevailed as a name for the doctrine of meaning, of linguistic meaning in particular. Semiotics is still used, however, to denote a broader field: the study of sign-using behaviour in general. A word having several meanings is called “polysemantic”and the ability of words to have more than one meaning is called polysemy. Most English words are polysemantic. The wealth of expressive resources of a language depends on the degree to which polysemy has developed in it. 2.Polysemy is a lexical phenomenon thatis realized in written or oral speech. golden - 1) bright yellow in colour; 2) made of gold; 3) very happy or successful; 4) excellent; completely reliable. a memory - 1) something that you remember; 2) the ability to remember things; 3) the part of a computer in which information, instructions, and programs are stored. 3.Therefore, the semantic structure of a word should be investigated at both these levels: a) of different meanings, b) of semantic components within each separate meaning. For a monosemantic word (i. e. a word with one meaning) the first level is naturally excluded. 4.Denotative component, connotations or connotative components. 5. Collocability - the tendency or legitimacy of words to occur together in a collocation. Studying the word's linear relationships withother words in typical contexts. Thus, if one intends to investigate the semantic structure of an adjective, one would best consider the adjective in its most typical syn-tactical patterns A + N -adjective + noun) and N + l + A (noun + link verb + adjective) and make a thorough study of the meanings of nouns with which the adjective is frequently used. 6.The task of distinguishing between the different meanings of a word and the different variations of combinability (or, in a traditional terminology, different usages of the word) is actually a question of singling out the different denotations within the semantic structure of the word.