Abstract submission deadline: 1 November – 15 November, 2021. 24h (CET) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Abstract submission deadline: 1 November – 15 November, 2021. 24h (CET)
Abstract formatting instructions · Only standard abbreviations may be used in the text and they must be defined in brackets, just after the full word or phrase the first time it is typed. · Non-proprietary (generic) names should be used the first time a drug is mentioned and the proprietary name should be underlined. · The abstract text should not exceed 2400 characters (including spaces). · The name of the presenting author should be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS and the co-author(s) in lower-case letters. · Please do not use localized signs like д, æ or з! · Please do not paste tables · Do not include references, but the abstract has to contain the specification of methods and results.
Registration fee Registration for the conference is free
Budapest, 29th October 2020