No, said the man cooly (холодно), Don't drink (не пью). Tried it once and I didn't like it (попрoбовал раз и не понравилось). 6 страница
What happened? What's wrong? What should I do? Well, my idea must have worked. Well, not quite.
A carpenter (плотник) in Chelm is fixing the roof (чинит крышу), but as he works (в то время, как он работает, работая), he throws away (отбрасывает) about half the nails (около половины гвоздей). The mayor is passing by (мэр проходит мимо), and asks him why he's wasting so many nails (и спрашивает его, почему он тратит впустую так много гвоздей; to waste – расточать, тратить /впустую/). The carpenter answers (отвечает), "I take a nail out of the bag (я беру гвоздь из ящика), and if it's facing the roof (и если он лицом = острием к крыше), I use it (я его использую); if it's facing away (если в другую сторону: «прочь»), I know it's defective (я знаю, что он бракованный) and throw it away." The mayor tells him, "You fool! (дурак) Those are for the other side!! (те для другой стороны)"
A carpenter in Chelm is fixing the roof, but as he works, he throws away about half the nails. The mayor is passing by, and asks him why he's wasting so many nails. The carpenter answers, "I take a nail out of the bag, and if it's facing the roof, I use it; if it's facing away, I know it's defective and throw it away." The mayor tells him, "You fool! Those are for the other side!!"
You fool!
The rabbi of Chelm and one of his students (и один из его учеников) were spending the night (проводили ночь /to spend-spent-spent – тратить, расходовать; проводить /время/) at the inn (в гостинице). The student asked the servant (попросил слугу) to wake him at dawn (разбудить его на заре) because he was to take an early train (так как ему нужно было попасть на ранний поезд). The servant did so (так и сделал). Not wishing (не желая) to wake the rabbi, the student groped in the dark for his clothes (нащупал в темноте свою одежду) and, in his haste (в спешке), he put on (надел) the long rabbinical gabardine (длинный габардин рабби – длиннополый кафтан из грубого сукна). He hurried to the station (поспешил на станцию), and, as he entered the train (когда сел: «вошел» в поезд), he was struck dumb with amazement (онемел от изумления; struck – сражен /to strike-struck-struck/; dumb – немой) as he looked at himself (когда посмотрел на себя) in the compartment mirror (в зеркало купе). "What an idiot that servant is!" he cried angrily (крикнул сердито). "I asked him to wake me, instead (вместо этого) he went and woke the rabbi! (он пошел и разбудил рабби)"
The rabbi of Chelm and one of his students were spending the night at the inn. The student asked the servant to wake him at dawn because he was to take an early train. The servant did so. Not wishing to wake the rabbi, the student groped in the dark for his clothes and, in his haste, he put on the long rabbinical gabardine. He hurried to the station, and, as he entered the train, he was struck dumb with amazement as he looked at himself in the compartment mirror. "What an idiot that servant is!" he cried angrily. "I asked him to wake me, instead he went and woke the rabbi!"
I was struck dumb with amazement.
The rabbi was fed up (был пресыщен, ему надоела /to feed-fed-fed – кормить, питать) with his congregation (паства). So, he decided to skip the services (итак, поэтому он решил пропустить богослужения) on Yom Kippur, the holiest day (самый священный день) on the Jewish calendar, and instead go play golf (и вместо этого пойти поиграть в гольф). Moses (Моисей) was looking down from heaven (смотрел вниз с небес) and saw the rabbi on the golf course (и увидел рабби на гольфовом поле, на гольфовой дорожке /to see-saw-seen/). He naturally (естественно) reported it to God (передал, сообщил это Богу). Moses suggested (предложил) God punish (наказать) the rabbi severely (строго; severely [sı`vı∂lı]). As he watched (когда он посмотрел), Moses saw the rabbi playing the best game (играющего лучшую игру) he had ever played! (которую он когда-либо играл) The rabbi got a hole-in-one (загнал мяч; hole-in-one – высшее достижение при игре в гольф) on the toughest hole (в самую трудную лунку; tough – тугой, плотный; трудный) on the course. Moses turned to God and asked (повернулся к Богу и спросил), "I thought you were going to punish him (я думал, ты собираешься наказать его /to think-thought-thought/). Do you call this punishment?! (ты называешь это наказанием)" God replied, "Who can he tell? (кому он может рассказать /об этом/)"
The rabbi was fed up with his congregation. So, he decided to skip the services on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, and instead go play golf. Moses was looking down from heaven and saw the rabbi on the golf course. He naturally reported it to God. Moses suggested God punish the rabbi severely. As he watched, Moses saw the rabbi playing the best game he had ever played! The rabbi got a hole-in-one on the toughest hole on the course. Moses turned to God and asked, "I thought you were going to punish him. Do you call this punishment?!" God replied, "Who can he tell?"
"If I were Rockefeller (если бы я был Рокфеллером)," sighed (вздохнул) the Hebrew teacher (учитель), "I'd be richer than Rockefeller (я был бы богаче, чем Рокфеллер)."
"If I were Rockefeller," sighed the Hebrew teacher, "I'd be richer than Rockefeller."
What do you mean?
The time is the French Revolution (время – Французская революция).
The time is the French Revolution.
Сonditions there are as bad as can be.
One day a Jewish Mother and her 8-year-old daughter (однажды еврейская мама и ее восьмилетняя дочка) were walking along the beach (шли вдоль берега, пляжа), just at the water's edge (прямо у кромки воды). Suddenly, a GIGANTIC wave flashed up (вдруг гигантская волна нахлынула) on the beach, sweeping the little girl out to sea (сметя маленькую девочку в море). "Oh, God," lamented (застонала, жаловалась) the mother, turning her face toward heaven (поворачивая свое лицо к небу) and shaking her fist (потрясая кулаком). "This was my ONLY baby (это был мой единственный ребенок). I can't have more children (я больше не могу иметь детей). She is the love and joy of my life (она любовь и радость моей жизни). I have cherished every day (дорожила, наслаждалась каждым днем; to cherish – лелеять, дорожить) that she's been with me (который она была со мной). Give her back to me (отдай мне ее: «дай обратно, назад»), and I'll go to the synagogue every day for the rest of my life!!! (и я буду ходить в синагогу каждый день всю оставшуюся жизнь; rest – остаток)" Suddenly, another GIGANTIC wave flashed up and deposited (вынесла) the girl back on the sand (на песок). The mother looked up to heaven and said, "She had on a HAT!!! (на ней была шляпка)"
One day a Jewish Mother and her 8-year-old daughter were walking along the beach, just at the water's edge. Suddenly, a GIGANTIC wave flashed up on the beach, sweeping the little girl out to sea. "Oh, God," lamented the mother, turning her face toward heaven and shaking her fist. "This was my ONLY baby. I can't have more children. She is the love and joy of my life. I have cherished every day that she's been with me. Give her back to me, and I'll go to the synagogue every day for the rest of my life!!!" Suddenly, another GIGANTIC wave flashed up and deposited the girl back on the sand. The mother looked up to heaven and said, "She had on a HAT!!!"
Give it back to me!
Sadie goes to see her rabbi (идет навестить: «повидать» своего рабби); she complains (жалуется) about her very bad headaches (на очень сильные: «плохие» головные боли). She whines (хнычет), cries (плачет), and talks about her poor living conditions (и говорит о своих жалких жизненных условиях) for hours (часами).
Sadie goes to see her rabbi; she complains about her very bad headaches. She whines, cries, and talks about her poor living conditions for hours.
My headache is gone!
Benny is almost (почти) 32 years old. All his friends are now married (все его друзья теперь женаты), but Benny just dates and dates (только ходит на свидания). Finally, his friend asks him (наконец, его друг спрашивает его), "What's the matter, Benny? (в чем дело, что происходит) Are you looking for the perfect woman? (ты ищешь совершенную женщину) Are you really that fussy? (ты действительно такой чудак, такой озабоченный; fussy – суетливый, нервный; вычурный, аляповатый; fuss – нервное, беспокойное состояние; суета) Surely you can find someone (наверняка ты можешь найти кого-нибудь) who suits you? (кто тебе подходит)"
Benny is almost 32 years old. All his friends are now married, but Benny just dates and dates. Finally, his friend asks him, "What's the matter, Benny? Are you looking for the perfect woman? Are you really that fussy? Surely you can find someone who suits you?"
What's the matter? Are you really that fussy? Surely you can find someone who suits you. So I keep on looking. They have become good friends. I'm afraid not. I can't stand him!
A guy goes into confession (один «парень» идет на исповедь) and says to the priest (и говорит священнику), "Father, I'm 80 years old, married (женат), have four kids (у меня четыре ребенка) and 11 grandchildren (внуков), and last night I had an affair with two 18-year-old girls (а прошлой ночью у меня было свидание с двумя восемнадцатилетними девушками; affair – связь). I made love with both of them (я занимался любовью с обеими) twice (дважды)." The priest said: "Well, my son (сын мой), when was the last time you were in confession? (когда последний раз вы были на исповеди)" "I'm telling everybody (/а/ я всем: «каждому» рассказываю)."
A guy goes into confession and says to the priest, "Father, I'm 80 years old, married, have four kids and 11 grandchildren, and last night I had an affair with two 18-year-old girls. I made love with both of them twice." The priest said: "Well, my son, when was the last time you were in confession?"