yen;f> 13 страницаTOEFL TWE Sample Essays 101 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 182 Is human relationship with pets useful? Many pets are said to be men's best friends. Though being only an animal or a bird, still they are considered to be a part of the family. They share a special bonding with the members of the family. I definitely believe that these relationships are good. There are many reasons to it. We see many families today with dogs or cats as their pets. We get a variety of pets' food. These families feed their pets with these foods available in the market and raise their pets like their own family members. Today the expenses for raising a child and a pet are the same. Though an animal cannot talk it can understand well and the same as what human beings do. Many pets provide emotional support to the family that they just do it by their mere existence. Dogs are said to be the best caretakers. They bark upon strangers and welcome known people. In this way it helps his family by guarding them against any dangers. There have been many cases in the past were animals have actually helped in preventing robbery or any other unknown dangers. These animals do feel the same as humans do. When the family to which he belongs to is not there at home he becomes sad and stops eating. In fact these animals show different signs when they are happy. For example, dogs wag their tail when they see their owners or any of the family members. Since they have the same quality what humans have they are bound to get close to family they belong to and it's the same with the family too. They are provided medication if not well, taken to veterans and treated in the same manner in the way any other family member would have treated if unwell. Animals are said to be their best friends since they do not stab the family they are in. There are movies that show different relationships, which an animal shares with his owner. These movies actually depict the real cases or the real emotion of the animals as well as the family towards them. They expect love and care, which their family gives. Also in a family, when a child grows up he goes to high school and then college. He no longer stays with his parents. But the pet of the family is still there in that family caring and being cared by the family. Thus because of the human quality of kindness, emotional and well being animals form an important part of the family they belong to and the family treats them as one amongst them. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 182 Is human relationship with pets useful? Pets have always been a part of human life structure. Thus, each and every human culture contains different morals and regulations on treating the pets. For my part, I must argue in favor of treating pets almost like family members. I am going to mention two reasons to support the slightly altered idea. First of all, I'd like to mention the fact, that no matter human, animal or plant a living thing has needs and feelings, which if not fulfilled, could have serious effects on its physical and mental (or spiritual) health. Thus, although one may criticize owning and keeping a pet, does not bring as much responsibility as raising a child, the concept of responsibility and caring remains the same in both situations. Consequently I believe the owners should be blamed in case they do not realize and accept the pet's rights, and history of binding in the loving and caring natural environment, which fulfilled all its needs, and in case they keep and treat it as it were a mere source of entertainment or labor. As I mentioned before, a pet is almost comparable with a child. Taking the responsibility to pet an animal requires determined commitment to fulfill its needs and replacing the loving environment it could have in nature, with another loving one. Therefore, if accepted in the social culture as a member of the family, the pet is more likely to receive what it deserves. In addition to the necessity of the sensational bindings and mutual relationships between the pet and its owners, which makes it like a member of the family, there is a disadvantage to this highly sensational binding. First, they owners should always keep in mind to prioritize emotional and financial needs of the human family members. Secondly, most domestic animals have shorter life than human beings, therefore the owners -in other word, human family members- usually encounter its death during their lifetime. As a result, I believe that the owners must always keep this fact in mind in order to prevent deep sensational damages. Consequently, although taking care of the pet's health, the owners should be able to control their emotional reliance on the pet. However, the unsafe and corrupted human communication in our modern world makes lots of owners so bound to their pets, that they find living difficult after their loss. A question has been raised on whether pets should be treated as members of the family or not. The needs of pets and the responsibility of the owners as well as the fact that pets usually die before their owners and that human family members must have higher priorities, make me agree with the idea in case the word almost could be added to the main question. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 182 Is human relationship with pets useful? I think that having close relationship with pets is good as long as you do not over do it. Pets are friendly and loving. Let me explain my point of view. Pets can be our friends. Especially in old age when our children go away from home to study we feel lonely, then we can keep a pet. Pets could keep us busy and lessen the feeling of loneliness. We can spend most of the time with pets like feeding them, and taking them a walk. Pets are healthy to keep if they could take our mind off of the troubles of day. But on the other hand, if we worry unnecessarily about the items such as food, clothes etc. and behavior of pet, then it's not healthy for us. Some animals like cats, parrots, and rabbit are very loving. We can easily love these animals. But emotional involvement with animals is not very good. Some people treat pets as part of their family. They take pets to their own bedrooms and give them place to sleep on their bed. They give them seat on couch or take them in the lap. I do not think all this is very healthy for us. We should have separate utensils and space for pets. A few people try to teach pets eating with spoon and forks, they are happy if pets learn easily. Expecting pets to behave like humans might not be good for pets, after all they are animals. There are many store who sell all kind of stuff related to pets such as pet food, pet clothes, pet toys, and pet homes. Buying nutritious food and separate homes for pets is necessary. We should even buy a few toys for entertainment of our pet. Now a day's pet owners spend hundreds of dollars on buying special types of pet food, costly toys, and expensive pet homes. They try to get luxurious things for their pets. I think these people should donate some of that money to child food banks, since many children in our country do not have food to eat. I think spending extra money on pets is waste of money. According to me, pets can be friendly and feeling close to them can be healthy, if we do not worry much about them. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays «5 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 182 Is human relationship with pets useful? Animals started to live side by side with people thousands of years ago. In ancient Egypt people known to keep dogs to protect their houses and lands. Remains of the dogs and cats were found, for example, in ancient burial sites in Egypt. While big animals like horses or cows were used to work and to provide food, small animals, like cats, or birds, obviously were kept for fun and companionship. With all the progress going on, it is not necessary to keep animal to survive, but, amazingly, the population and the variety of home pets is growing. I believe it has some positive sides and some negative. I heard from many of my friends, that there is nothing like coming home tonight and being greeted by a dog or a cat. They say, it takes all the daily stress away and provides immediate relaxation. And there is no need to talk! I read a few articles in medical magazines, that cats can help people with all kind of body pains, just rubbing off the sore spot. Their warm and energy provide some therapeutic effect. Another positive aspect of having a dog, for example, is that people have to go outside, regardless of the weather. It gives dog owner constant stimulation to exercise. Some people in my neighborhood are jogging with their dog s, keeping themselves and the dogs healthy. On the other hand, some negative tendencies were shown recently. Needless to say pet owners are very fond of their animal friends. Some people treat them as their children and more and more often prefer them to real people, even kids. It happened, that when a dog threatened the child in the park, the owner would not call the dog and would let it harm the kid. Besides that, I don't think it is healthy for people to escape their relationship problem and create and extra tight binds with an animal. We all know that animal's lives are shorter, than people's are, and the loss of the favorite pet can be just devastating. Another example is the growing fashion trend to keep exotic and dangerous animas as pets, such as crocodiles, lizards, or snakes. In some cases, it not only illegal, but very dangerous for everybody, even for the owner. To sum I would like to point out, that friendship between people and animals can be very fulfilling, when it is well-balanced and does not, in any way, harms one side or another. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from its movies? I believe that every film contains a lot of information about the county where it was made. Usually films show us the great variety of cultural peculiarities about country where they came from. Personally, I have learnt many new things about different countries and their people from watching their movies. I remember, as a child I used to enjoy watching Indian films. It was very exciting experience for a young girl who was fond of Indian songs and the national clothes. From Indian movies I learnt that the Indian culture is very rich and colorful. I found out that they are mostly romantic people who love to sing and dance. Also, it was interesting to know that there are different religions and a plethora of ethnic groups in India. I would say that I learnt a lot not only about Indian traditions and culture from watching its films. To tell the truth, Russian movies were very educational for me too. If you watch them carefully, you will probably notice that they contain a great amount of information about Russian people and their culture. For example, I realized that Russians are incredibly honest people who like to celebrate many events with a lot of food, and of course with vodka. I learnt from Russian films about their hostility and willingness to great and meet other people. Russian movies show that all that is a big part of their traditions. To summarize, I would say that from watching international films we are able to learn many new things about different nations. Moreover, films educate us about cultural and traditional varieties of many countries. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays w ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from its movies? Movies are an important part of the culture of a country where they are made. Watching a film, like listening to music or reading a book can tell one a lot about things that people value and the way they interact. In this essay I would like to share my perception about the United States that I gained by watching American movies. My first observation is that the USA is a very rich country. This is reflected in the types of average people shown in the movies, most of whom are homeowners with a car and a full-time job. They usually can afford to dine in fine restaurants and travel around the world. For example, in the recent movie "Just Married", a young couple from America stayed in nice hotels and traveled all around Europe for their honeymoon. US movies are also high-budget movies with a lot of special effects and excellent sound and picture quality. This is another reflection of the amount of wealth in the country that can produce movies such as "Troy", "Titanic" or "Gladiator" that featured both multi-million budgets and collections from the theaters around the world. Another observation is that Americans are very individualistic and independent people. Children leave the family after the high school, since when they often do not receive support from their parents and have to rely on themselves to maintain their living. Many young movie characters (such as in the movie "Bartender" have to support themselves or their education by low-prestige jobs such as waiting even if their parents are very wealthy.) The last feature of America that I observed from US movies is that Americans are very direct in dealing with other people. They quickly speak their mind regardless of the other person's title or the social status. I am well aware that movies may exaggerate some of the features characteristic of the country they were made in. Nevertheless I believe that in general they give a fairly good picture of the country's traditions, norms and values. I think that by watching American movies I gained a good understanding of the Unites States, its society and its people. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from its movies? As my number one hobby, movies take me to different eras, atmospheres, feelings and nations, all the before mentioned is in hand thanks to the technology available nowadays. The film industry can be observed and digested by many angles, entertainment, documentary, science fiction, comedy or drama. The magic of taking the time to observe rather to watch a film produces a mind trip to every way the camera was filming. Issues such as costumes, politics, ignorance, and fear need no passport while being filmed, the human condition as well as its surroundings can be captured in the memory thanks to filming and its up braking industry. Simple daily basis activities, such as public transport, or main social principals or prejudices such as apartheid or racism, can be shown all over the world not only on a printed basis such as a newspaper, book or magazine, but by the whole image of it, not withstanding that images do say more than words, but often help to diversify the truth or the real facts of information. Close related to the before mentioned idea, stands the interpretation that producers, directors, actors and viewers make a truth of their own, but isn't that the way that the world is known? Definitely since the beginning of the film industry, the movies have showed the existence of the different, the opposed, the distant, but far away from it, movies can help to break trough intellectual, political, and cultural barriers, in order to know better our world. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays w ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from its movies? Since its birth, films always function as the main media depicting the environments and people in details. Pondering the specific aspects in the filmmaker and country, we can achieve valuable and wealthy information. The first treasure we can dig is some social problems in the country reflected by the film. Hollywood, the largest dream makers' cradle, prefers to support some movies revealing some serious current social problems confronting in the United Stated society. Take the Oscar-winning Film in 2001, The American Beauty, as an example. That film received lots of admiration and compliments. We can learn from the film that in the most advanced economy, the normal American people's life still have some dilemma such as marriage dissatisfaction, family cracking, and moral suspicion. On the other hand, we can learn from a film about the country's history. Take the best foreign film, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for example, we can appreciate the Chinese ancient melodious music, exotic costumes and magic martial arts. A movie from a country with its own history and tradition that totally different from those in the western movies not only tells a romantic story but teach something beyond as well. Finally, the country's own culture will be revealed in their films naturally. For example, another foreign film, Life is Beautiful, made in Italy, tells a Jewish tragedy happened in the Germany concentration camp in the Second World War. Instead of using the sorrowful way to express the plot, the inspirited filmmakers use obviously humorous and romantic ways which probably are rooted in the Italian culture. Culture usually expresses itself in the film spontaneously. All in all, we can achieve some current social context, or specific historical tradition, or culture in the films. These are the aims that directors, cinematographers, and actors have been working for, and the most important, those are factors why we go to the cinemas. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays w> ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from its movies? Films are a mirror of a country. It depicts the life of common people in a country at a given period in history. This can be exemplified by taking a review of period films like "Elizabeth - the Last Emperor" and "Gandhi", etc. These movies have not only portrayed the lives of famous individuals of their period, but they also give coverage of the people around them, the events that shaped up their personality thus giving us insight of the life style in that particular period. They not only depict the period in history but also in present. Globally many countries have undergone so many changes recently that we can divide the time period in cluster of 10 years each. The films arrived in each decade portrays the life style of the people in that decade. Thus proving a hallmark of changes in nations thinking, economy, and fashion. Films reflect the attitude of the particular nations citizens. For example once I had seen one Japanese movie about a woman in transition phase during her divorce. It exemplifies the reaction and outlook of man/woman/child and society in total, towards the painful episode like divorce. I have also came across a movie in my country on same topic. The reactions of people to divorce in this movie are totally different than the one I saw in Japanese movie. This can be a classic example of the difference in the cultures of two countries. Thus the movies can tell us much more than expected about the country's culture, people. They also make us aware of the current issues in country, the trend, and the fashion prevailing in country. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ¥Н ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 184 Self-study vs. group study Studying is not just reading the content of the book. It involves thorough understanding of the topic, which of course involves good concentration and involvement. This can be achieved either by studying alone or in groups. There are both advantages and disadvantages in both these ways. I would first like to outline some of these pros and cons before putting forth my choice of study. Let me first consider group-study No two fingers of a hand are same. Similarly no two individuals can think the same way. This is the key factor in group-study It is both advantageous as well as disadvantageous. It is advantageous because difference in people's thinking gives rise to many new solutions to the same issue. It is disadvantageous because all the members of the group cannot learn things at the same pace. Some members learn very fast and others learn very slow. So the fast learner may feel bored to repeat the same topic again and again. The slow learner may develop inferiority complex and feel embarrassed to ask for repetition everyday. The other disadvantage of group-study that I would like to point out is gossip. Even if one member of the group is not in the mood to study, the whole group will be spoiled. He/she will start commenting about a movie or a film star or some unrelated topic and will lead to a big, unwanted discussion consuming all the precious time. Group-study will lead to competition, i.e., each member of the group will try to excel other members. As long as this competition is healthy, it is good for everybody, otherwise it can lead to ego problems which is pretty bad. Punctuality is also another problem in group-study, ie., even if you arrive first, you cannot start studying. You have to wait for everybody else to arrive. While waiting, you and your one friend may start gossiping, and before you know it, that gossip will be the topic of discussion for that day. Now let us consider self-study. The main advantage of self-study is that you can study in your own pace. You don't have to wait for anybody else. You can start studying as and when you are ready. In a group study, you can just think in one angle because there are other members in the group who would give an other view. But that is not the case in self-study. Here you should only think in all different possible views regarding one topic, and in order to support that view you would have to read and refer a lot of different books. So self-study improves your thinking and researching ability. I think concentration is one thing which can be distracted even if you are not in a group. In a group-study gossiping may be one kind of distraction. This kind of distraction is not found in self-study. On the other hand, we can sometimes start day-dreaming and before we know it we would have spent a lot of time thinking and dreaming about some irrelevant topic. But I think the chances of distraction is more in group-study, than in self-study. Now, for my opinion on the subject. I, personally, would prefer to read alone and not in a group. I believe in doing everything myself. So if I am told to address an issue, I like to think in various different angles, read a lot of books and then come to a conclusion. Another reason why I prefer to read alone is, I think group-study, by itself is not enough. Let me explain what I mean by this. Let us say, the topic of discussion is "Mahatma Gandhi's murder". Group-study involves discussion and exchange of ideas about this topic. But if I have to talk something about Gandhiji's murder, first of all I myself should study about that topic and be thorough with what I have to discuss. So I think group-study is dependent on self-study. Well, the bottom-line is, if given a choice, I would prefer to study alone rather than in a group. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 184 Individual learning vs. group learning Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with friends. Although studying with friends has its advantages, in my point of view, I would like to study alone. The reasons are as follows. When you study, especially when you study some subjects that are hard to understand, such as math and physics you need to concentrate on them. That requires a quiet environment without distractions. Studying alone can provide that, and you can read your books and think of questions without being disturbed. It will help you to understand the knowledge better and to remember the knowledge better. Furthermore, studying alone has another advantage that studying with friends does not have. That is it forces you to think. When you face some questions hard to solve, and there is no other students around you, you have to think of the questions hard and try you best to solve them. This gives you an opportunity to improve your ability to deal with problems by yourself. Obviously, studying with friends cannot give you these. Because when you meet some questions, you probably turn to friends for help. The third advantage of studying alone is also the most important reason. It can make you think independently and have your own opinions. You have to think independently when you study alone. No one can give you interference or suggestions. You will not be affected by other people's opinions. That can help you create your own thoughts, not to become a parrot. After all, the best parrots still live in cages. Though studying with friends has some advantages, for instance, it can help you to solve your questions faster and improve your friendship, however I think the advantages of studying alone overweight these of studying with friends. My preference would be to study alone. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 184 Individual learning vs. group learning Every student has his/her own style of studying, in which he/she finds most suitable for him/her to learn knowledge at school. Methods of studying can be classified into two major categories, namely, individual study, and group study. Personally, I would prefer to study with a group of students, and I will explain my opinion below. The most obvious reason is that studying with a group of students can help students gain more knowledge and understand it more thoroughly. Group study offers students a chance to discuss the problems and exchange opinions with each other. In this process students can clarify their misunderstandings and strengthen their understandings of particular knowledge. Furthermore, students will obtain more information about how to study from their fellow students, because apart from learning from teachers, students can also learn from each other through group study. Each student has his/her own strength in different areas of study. By studying together, they can communicate with each other about their methods of learning different subjects, thus each student can find the best way to learn a subject with the help of the group. Undoubtedly, involving with different people can strongly widen one's horizon, mature one's thoughts and enrich one's personality. Apart from gaining more knowledge and information, studying in a group can help students develop teamwork spirit, which is crucial for a student's future success. No matter in school or in the real world, we often need to join efforts to finish a complicated task. For example, you can hardly find one product that is completed by one person, even by one company. Therefore, teamwork spirit that can be developed through group study at school is very important for students' development. On the contrary, students cannot learn the importance of cooperation by studying alone. On the other hand, studying alone also has some advantages to some extent, such as quiet studying atmosphere, and a self-controlled pace. But form what has been discussed above, studying in-group carries more weight than studying alone. In conclusion, we may safely reach the conclusion that it is better to study with a group of students. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 184 Individual learning vs. group learning We as human beings have different qualities, strengths, and weaknesses. Same goes for studying. Every individual has a different way of studying, where one finds it easier to understand and comprehend the matter he/she is studying in his or her own way of learning. However, methods of studying can be classified into two major categories, namely, individual studying, and group studying.