yen;f> 12 страницаIn sum, it is very likely that people will never be able to come to the same conclusion on this controversial issue due to their different experiences and conflicting values, public awareness of the various dimensions of the issue discussed in the above argument will certainly contribute to the thorough understanding of the problem. Though different views exist, I insist than student-centered education with effective management will enrich our education. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 10 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 176 What holiday would you create? If I could create a new holiday, it would be a holiday that honors the freedom and progress of the Afghan women. I would established the holiday to multiply efforts of the Feminist Majority Foundation with the Campaign to help Afghan Women and young girls to ensure that women's rights are fully and permanently restored after the fall of the Taliban regime, which symbolized the brutality against the women in Afghanistan in the past years. When the Taliban took control in 1996, they instituted a gender apartheid for the women where they imposed strict edicts such as banished women from the work force, closed school to girls, expelled women from universities, prohibited women from leaving their home unless accompanied by a close male relative, forced women to use the burga or chadari, paint windows of women's houses black, prohibited women from being examined by male physicians, while at the same time prohibited most female doctors and nurses from practicing. The reality for the women during Taliban control shows a lot of horrors against the women who defied the rules of the Taliban and were severely punished. For example some girls were killed in front of their families because they run to the schools; some women were brutally heated because their ankle was accidentally showed from underneath their burga. Two women accused of prostitution were publicly hanged in the stadium. Today, after the fall of Taliban, women can leave their homes without the escort of a male family member. They no longer have to cram into the back of buses and give up their seats to men. They can get their hair and nails done in beauty salons that have opened up all over Kabul. Girls can go to school, and young women to universities, where they sometimes even share classrooms with men. Being a woman can sometimes be an advantage in the job market. In Kabul, Indian models are admired for their fashion, but many Afghan women still wear the traditional burqa. I would like that the people celebrate the new holiday by publishing the advances of the campaign through web sites, organizing some lectures about the progress of the afghan women, promoting scholarships for women to study, and encouraging the women from all over the world to maintain the faith to pursue the dreams. The reason why I would create an international holiday for the Afghan women is because the international community must now act to ensure that women's rights are fully and permanently restored, to reestablish a constitutional democracy in Afghanistan that is representative of women and ethnic minorities, and to show an example to women of the world of how can we solve difficulties in this way. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays W ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 176 What holiday would you create? People remember the memorable events and great deeds or achievements of great people of a country by celebrating specific holidays as a mark of respect and honor. If I have the opportunity to create a new holiday in my country India, I would like to add 27th August, as one of the national holidays to honor the birth day of noble laureate Mother Teresa to remind all of us about her selfless devotion to the poor, destitute and unwanted sections of our society. Mother Teresa left her country, Macedonia at a tender age of eighteen and embraced the city of joy, Calcutta, to serve the poor. She initially taught in the Christian missionary school and later she was moved by the pathetic conditions of the homeless people mostly living in the slums. She gave up her teaching profession and started working with her meager savings for the uplift for the causes of the poor. Initially she had to face the trouble weather from various sections of society. Her continued selfless devotion and love for such unwanted and neglected sections of people was widely acclaimed later on by majority sections of the society and generous financial grants poured in from various agencies. She had further extended her "mission of Charity" for the lepers, orphans etc with the support of over 1000 volunteers working beyond the geographical boundaries of India. Her love and selfless social service is unparalleled and needs to be reminded on this 27th-August each year by different like-minded groups in the society to walk to different slums with the poor, lepers, orphans or people sufferings from various incurable diseases and bestow their love and affection. They should provide them with clothes, foods, gifts, and financial assistance and take them out in the heart of the city through a procession. This would help the weaker sections of the society to join the mainstreams of the society and they will not feel neglected and uncared for. Moreover, such love and affection would avert the increasing trend of crimes in the society. In the present day everyone is on a retrace for his or her material comfort and the human value is on the decline. The remembrance of Mother Teresa's teachings would motivate people for contributing towards a great cause of the society and make this world a better place to live. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 177 Island Hopping or Road Rage? For someone like myself, the choice of spending my hard-saved money on a car verses a trip is a difficult decision. Both cost a lot of money, but each have their own benefits. Having lived my whole life in large cities where public transport has always been the most cost effective and efficient way of getting around, I have always spent my money on traveling. Even though I now live in a place where public transportation is neither cost-effective nor efficient, and where a person needs a car, were a friend to ask me whether they should buy a car or spend their money on a trip, I would recommend going on a trip. Taking a vacation has more benefits than buying a car. There is a lot that can be learned about other people as well as yourself by going abroad or even traveling around your own country. For instance when I was in my early 20s, I traveled throughout Europe by myself. During this trip, I met a lot of interesting people both other travelers like myself as well as locals. Through this experience, I learned to appreciate other people. I also developed tolerance and independence, which helped me to grow as a person. Buying a car on the other hand, does not help you develop as a person. In fact, I have noticed that since driving on a regular basis, I have become more self-absorbed and less considerate of other people. Even this morning, I found myself getting angry at the driver in front of me for going 30 in a 35 mile zone. I do not wish this stress upon my friend. Rather, I would tell them to spend their money on a nice, relaxing holiday, which brings me to my next point: Taking a trip helps people relax. There is nothing more relaxing than taking a nice long cruise or spending a few weeks Island-hopping around the Islands of Indonesia or Greece. You can live a stress-free life for a few weeks or months, with nothing but what to have for dinner to worry about. From experience, since owning a car, I have had nothing but stress. My car is old and is in need of constant maintenance and repair. Even now, I am worried that my car will break down on my way to work and not only will I be late, but I will have to pay for the towing as well as. My car is a continual expense that I have to budget for, while a vacation, if you refrain from using credit, is a one-time cost. Remember too that you can also take some spectacular photos. What is better? I would rather see my friend's artful pictures of beautiful scenes and interesting people than photos of their car. In short, I would suggest that my friend spend their money on a long, stress-free vacation where they can learn about other cultures as well as themselves rather than buying a new car. After all, on returning from this often life-changing experience, they can always work, and it won't be long before they have enough money to buy or lease a new car. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 177 A vacation or a car? On the question of whether it is better to use one's savings to buy a car or go on traveling, I, more often than not, prefer to the latter decision. It is true that having a car has a variety of advantages; I must confess that I myself enjoy the fun of driving and the strong sense of freedom gained from owing a car. Superior as it is, nevertheless, it brings its own problems. For one thing, private car burdens the traffic that has already been over loaded. Every one of us must have experienced the miserable feeling of being stuck at tollgate on our way to office; only at this moment do most people realize how bad the result of uncontrolled increase in private vehicles can be. For another, it worsens the problem of environmental pollution. The fun of driving is one thing, while how to deal with the consequence of air pollution is another. It is estimated that every year the government of China spends well over 12% of its fiscal income to tackle the environmental damage caused by automobiles. As a matter of fact, the advantages of going traveling outweigh any benefit we gain from having a car. First of all, studies show that traveling is amongst the most desirable alternatives of social activities. It is obvious that a person fund of traveling must be healthier that one 'dwelling' in his car. Hiking, mountain climbing, camping, skiing, canoeing and all other tourism related exercises force us to use our muscles, stretch our bodies and deepen our breath. More over, the overwhelming joy of conquering a mountain peak or lingering in one of the most famous Middle East bazaars is surely out of reach in your car. In addition, traveling fans hardly have to suffer from the torture of sleepless which has long been bothering the 'white collars'. Still, the enchanting beauty of various landscapes and folk cultures helps broaden your eyesight and provides you with a brand new insight into the mysterious planet. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that it is not only wise but also socially desirable for us to spend our money on tourism rather than buying a car. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 177 A vacation or a car? The development of technologies and industries has brought us many conveniences. With the help of modern conveniences such as cars, buses, trains and planes, one can travel a great distance in a short period of time. One of my friends has received a gift of money. He is thinking about using this money to buy a new car or go on a vacation. Personally I would suggest that my friend buy a car. The first and most important reason is that a car can bring him convenience. Undoubtedly, nowadays people rely on cars for transportation more than ever before. For example, when he drives a car to go shopping, he may feel more convenient and can pick up more groceries than before because he can put groceries in the car trunk instead of carrying them by hands. Furthermore, when he wants to pick somebody up, or travel to a scenic spot, a car will make him feel convenient. Another great reason why I encourage my friend to buy a car is that my friend will not spend much time on commuting anymore. Everyday we waste too much time on waiting for a bus or riding a bicycle to work. We all experienced the frustration of taking a bus. After having their own cars, such the problems will disappear automatically. Of course, if my friend decides to use his money to go on a vacation, I think that there are some advantages also. For example a vacation may increase his personal experience and knowledge, and may even reduce many troubles that are related to a car. But if all the factors are contemplated, I think that the advantages of buying the car will carry more weight than those of going on vacation. From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that buying a car will be a right choice for my friend. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays t#S ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 178 What changes will the 21st century bring? About a decade ago, people were eagerly looking forward to ushering the new century-the 21st century with the hope of seeing a fresh beginning of human civilization. There is no denying that with the development of the IT industry and numerous other industries, people's life is getting more and more convenient. However, I have to act as a wet blanket here, unwilling though I am, to point out that the blind "progressiveness" of human beings have caused an irretrievable disaster that is revealing its monstrous face in the new century. The first sign of damaged nature appeared much earlier without being noticed by us. As a result, nature continues to be abused. My grandmother lives in the countryside. Years ago, when I was still a little girl, there was endless woods and crystal clear streams and rivers there, but now, what you can possibly find are chopped down wasteland and yellow-colored brooks. The environment is deteriorating in spite of a few people's awareness of the danger. Consequently, the deteriorated environment breeds a far more moody climate than before. My hometown is a beautiful seaside city. Living here for more than two decades, I didn't see any sandstorm until this spring. I could hardly breathe or see things clearly in the yellowish air. I was in shock. Another example comes from a city afar near the Mediterranean. Floods devastate the summerhouses along the coast, aborting people's plans for the summer and causing enormous damage to the economy of those countries. Therefore, I want to say when you are surfing on line, browsing the messages sent through your cell phones and busy in doing biotechnological experiments, do not be overwhelmed by the benefits of the new century, instead, you should think more about how to protect the environment and thus improve the climate, which is indeed the biggest change brought by the new century. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ((& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 178 What changes will the 21st century bring? With the advent of the 21st century, the world is facing many changes. There are incredible advancements in science and technology fields. In my point of view, these breakthroughs will bring more conveniences to people and make our life easier. First of all, one of the most significant changes is the use of computers and robots. Using of such computers and robots in industries can bring an increase in output and accuracy. Also, these computer parts and robots are being made so tiny that they can be built into both personal and industrial equipments. Moreover, there will be more innovations, inventions and researches in different areas of science and technology, such as more advanced telecommunication with a new generation of satellites, faster means of transportations, newer engines for planes, and quicker diagnosis of diseases by using advanced auto analyzers. On the other hand, a few disadvantages such as air and water pollution, decreasing of natural resources cannot be underestimated. Although these negative aspects are almost negligible in comparison with great advancements of this new century, most scientists believe that these negative effects are not overrated. In conclusion, it can be concluded that not only does the new century brings us many great advantages, but also it brings a few disadvantages in which people have to deal with. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 10 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 178 What changes will the 21st century bring? The 21st century has just begun. Upon the question "what changes the new century will bring," different people have different opinions. Some may believe that the new century will bring us more awareness on security issues. As far as I am concerned, I agree with this point of view. I believe that safety and security are more and more important for our day-to-day life in this new century. In the following I will try to make my position clearer. One of the most significant events at the beginning of the new century is the "9/11" attack. The terrorists launched an attack to the United States, causing lost of lives and huge damage to the world's economy. Since the "9/11", there has been more and more worries and consciousness about the security issues in our life than ever before. For instance, when we travel abroad, we have to pass intensive security-checks at airports and borders. The waiting time at those places are much longer than ever before. In addition, nations have to invest greater amount of money to improve the security measurements during international events such as the Olympic Games, in order to protect personal safety of officials, reporters, athletes and audiences from around the world. Moreover, everyday we can hear from the news that some terrorists' attacks and wars are happening somewhere in the world. The world has become a dangerous place. As a result, more and more people nowadays prefer to spend their holidays at home. In a TV show, "Faith POPCORN- Report", when people are being asked opinions about their homes, they say "my home is my castle". It is even said that it is more secure to live in the wilderness than in the city, due to the fact of crime, drugs and environmental pollutions. Security issues has changed our lifestyle dramatically. Life will quickly become different for all of us. Therefore it will be more important to reinforce our safety in the new century. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays <0 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 179 What are qualities of a good parent? Parents play an important role in the child's upbringing. However, it is not easy to be a good parent, much to the surprise of those who think dealing with young children is a piece of cake. In my view, to be a good parent you have to meet certain requirements that I am going to discuss further in the following paragraphs. You should spend time with your child. Please do not mistake me. By that I am not saying you must resign from your job and stay at home with your baby all day; instead, I am referring to quality time. To be a good parent you need to know your child well; if you do not even have the minimum amount of time to start with, how on earth are you going to know your child? No matter how busy you are, be you a businessman or a police officer, you must get some time off work to be with your child. Knowing how impressionable a child at his tender age is, you cannot expect him to feel close to someone he barely see everyday, much less play the role of a good parent. However, I am not talking about large amount of time that busy as you are, you may not be able to afford. Remember, it is quality time, not quantity time. You can be a CEO and still be a good parent if you make good use of the limited amount of time you spend with your child. A small talk after dinner or a little story before bed may well perform the magic. In order to be a good parent, you also have to be strict; it is for the child's own good. He may not like it of course, who will? However, it is from strict parent that a child learns discipline. Under certain circumstances I even agree with the use of force. A good beating or a severe scolding is far easier to remember for a little child than a patient persuasion. He is too young for you to reason with; but you can make him learn his lesson the hard way if the little sweet talk fails. Though I think the use of force is the last resort a parent should turn to, it is nonetheless rather effective. A good parent should be caring and loving. A strong bond is formed between the parent and the child if there is love. This is something magical and inexplicable but both the parent and the child feel it. What makes a parent so special and important is the unconditional love he/she gives to his/her child. A loving and caring environment is very crucial in a child's growth. Statistics have shown that those from happy families have a more optimistic view of the world and generally live happy lives, while those from broken families or families where both parents quarrel often are more irritable and peevish. A child's character is easily shaped by the surroundings so it is a parent's responsibility to provide a loving environment to his/her child. A good parent should also be a good role model for the child to look up to. A child learns many of his habits from his parents and it is all up to a parent to choose what kind of habits he/she wants his/her child to inherit. For example, a parent should immediately quit smoking if he/she notices his/her child has the tendency to pick up this bad habit. All in all, a good parent should behave himself in order to set good examples to his child. To be a good parent is hard but not impossible; in fact I believe all those who really put in a great deal of effort should find themselves doing well in this job. After all what is more important is the attitude; if one wants to be a good parent, he can do it. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 10 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 180 Why movies are so popular? There is no denying that movies have inspired a seemingly endless stream of fantastic and exciting issues that we just cannot live without. In fact, the dizzying emergence of movie production can create everything we can imagine on screens and what's more they continue bringing us the most wonderful stars and classic stories that will be always remembered by us. Movies have not only been a kind of entertainment we can enjoy, they but have also helped build up an important part of our society. With the high-tech development of electronic tools it is possible to make everything we are eager to see, especially something that people are always curious about such as dinosaurs, spaceships and even something very scary, unbelievable or gorgeous. For example, directed by an impressive well-known story, The Lord Of The Rings brings us to a supernatural world filled with miracles and imaginations that impressed people a lot. Based on nicely written stories perhaps the most important thing is that movies introduce us those amazing actors. Not only are they so pretty and handsome but they also are the best artists that contribute to our world in many ways. Because of all the celebrated characters they personated, they are considered as the symbol of brave, optimistic, strong-willed and pure-hearted people who are dare to walk fearlessly towards the challenges. Encouraged by them, we become more and more confident and make our minds to be the truth seekers that will insist on overcoming every difficulty to stop being mundane and mediocre. Even some stars were gone long ago they are still our irreplaceable spirit's leaders such as Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn, and others. Movies are always not just be appreciated by their dramatic pictures, they are deeply analyzed by worthiness, humanity, ideology and the complex influence they will bring into people's mind. In conclusion, with gorgeous ornamentation and very valuable themes it is no surprising that movies are extremely popular overall the world. Known as the epitome of our realistic society, movies can always dominate its place and continue to bring us what we want to see in sight and what we want to feel in heart. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays w ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 181 Should lands be developed? Just as our human beings came from nature, we would return to nature sooner or later. It is self-evident that losing our natural condition means that we are building up a sepulcher for ourselves. Nature is the original source of our food, house utilities and industries. So we cannot live without her. Sucked the nutrition from nature, we created a wonderful world. She is our mother who we always turn back on. Wise and resourceful are people to try their best to keep nature prosperous and abounded. Many people may hold the wrong opinion that spending money in preserving nature is a big waste of money. Even though, it is true that we cannot see much of the returns in the near future, it is worthy in the long run. What is more, nature itself can make money. The beautiful landscape of nature that was saved will attract many visitors. We also have many different famous places for people who came from all over the world. In fact, it is a high-profit business and will contribute to our economic in the days coming. Taking a look at our country's qoe-state, our agrarian land is diminishing quickly. Nature areas are vanishing year by year. We are just facing a thorny way that needs us to take measurements on immediately. Thus, there is no reason to neglect the fact that there is more need for land to be left in its natural condition. Burdening the great historical task, we cannot use up the limited source to fulfill our unbounded desires. Housing and industry but make us live a bit more comfortable now. They cannot lead us go further. We should leave what we have inherited from our ascendants to the descendants. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays W ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 182 Is human relationship with pets useful? Human has a long history of feeding pets. With the development of human society more and more people have pets in their families. They love to be accompanied by their pets and they look them as their family members. They eat with their pets, stroll with their pets, and even sleep with their pets. And I think having a close relationship with pets is very good for people, the reasons why I say so as follows. First, having a pet is very good for children. Children always need someone to play with them, take care of them, but their parents cannot do it all the time. When children have a pet, for example, a dog, they will be attracted by it and spend most of their time playing with it. The children will not feel lonely when their parents cannot take care of them. Besides, that also makes parents have their own time to do something they need. Second, pets are also good for adults, especially those works under pressure. Now many people work so hard everyday that they do not have time to relax and talk with friends. If they have pets, whenever they get to home they can talk to them, look them as persons, tell them what they are anxious about. This would help people to reduce their pressure and make them have a better mood. Third, most of the owners of pets are senior citizens. That's not a coincidence. Because youngsters leave home for their new lives. They do not have much time to spend with their parents. The old people feel so lonely when they facing the empty rooms. Pets can reduce their loneliness. Old people can take care of them, feed them, talk to them just like taking care of their own children. And the medical research shows that patting pets, such as cats and dogs can reduce the blood pressure, this is also very important to old people. Although sometimes pets make your room a mess, break your favorite vase, even some time they bite you, the advantages of having a close relationship with pets overweight the disadvantages. Have a pet if you like and enjoy it.