The Fox in the Well. Закончи предложения.. Выполни тест на понимание прослушанного текста.. Если утверждение верно, то рядом с номером поставь. знак «+», если нет, то знак «—».Стр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒
one day — однажды to go for a walk — прогуляться a well — колодец cannot get out of — не может вылезти из goat — козел grass — трава to come down — спускаться to jump down — прыгать вниз back — спина to get out — вылезать to look down — посмотреть вниз to be kind — быть добрым
The Fox in the Well One day a red fox goes for a walk. He comes to a well. He wants to drink. He doesn't know that there is no water. The Fox looks down and falls into the well. He cannot get out of it and begins to cry. But then he hears that somebody comes to the well. It is a goat. The Fox is very clever and has a plan how to get out of the well. The Goat looks down and sees the Fox. 'Hullo, Mr Fox! What are you doing there?' he asks. 'Hullo, Mr Goat. I am having a good time here,' says the Fox. 'The grass in the well is very good.' 'Do you eat grass?' asks the Goat. 'No, I don't. But you can come down and eat it. It is very good.' 'Oh, you are so kind. Thank you,' says the Goat. And he jumps down into the well. Then the Fox jumps on the Goat's back, gets out of the well and runs away.
1 Закончи предложения. a) One day the Fox goes for a_____ . b) The Fox ______into the well. c) The Goat _______and sees the Fox. d) 'I am having a good_______”, says the Fox. e) The Fox asks the Goat to_______ and eat grass. f) The Goat________ into the well. g) The Fox jumps on the Goat's________ . 2 Выполни тест на понимание прослушанного текста. Если утверждение верно, то рядом с номером поставь знак «+», если нет, то знак «—». a) The Fox wants to drink. b) The Fox looks down and sees the Goat in the well. c) The Goat wants to help the Fox. d) The Fox has a plan how to get out of the well. e) The Goat falls into the well too. f) The Fox jumps on the Goat's back and gets out of the well. g) The Fox helps the Goat to get out of the well.