EXERCISES. Give the Russian equivalents.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
1. Read the text and give the English for: буровая площадка - drill site, члены бригады разведочного бурения - wildcatters, компания-разработчик – operating company, буровой подрядчик – drilling contractor, получить право на бурение и добычу нефти и газа - obtain the legal right to drill for and produce oil and gas, забуривать скважину – to spud a well, экологически уязвимые участки работ - ecologically sensitive area, опоры буровой установки - rig supports
2. Give the Russian equivalents. to extend search – расширять поиски, to increase production – увеличить объемы добычи, to hire geologists – нанять геологов, to explore area – разведывать территорию (проводить геолого-разведочные работы , to obtain the legal right to drill for and produce oil and gas - получить право на бурение и добычу нефти и газа, to pay for the costs of – оплатить стоимость чего-л, to depend on factors – зависеть от факторов, to commit dollars – потратить сколько-то долларов, to take steps – предпринимать меры, шаги , to spud the hole – забурить скважину, to analyze records – анализировать записи, данные, to establish & verify boundaries – устанавливать и подтверждать границы, to budget funds – рассчитать бюджет (составить смету) , to suffer damage – понести ущерб
3. Match the words with their meanings: · hydrocarbon h. углеводород · desert f. пустыня · jungles g. джунгли · wilderness i. дикая местность · explore a. исследовать · spud d. забуривать (начинать бурение) · seismic k. сейсмический · surveyor l. геодезист · boundary b. граница · sensitive e. экологически уязвимый · adequately c. адекватно
4. Complete the sentences: 1) The drill site – the location of the well – varies as…. the surface geography of the earth varies. 2) As people began to use more hydrocarbons, the oil industry extended its search… for oil and gas to all corners of the globe. 3) The company knows or believes that…. hydrocarbons exist in the rocks beneath the site. 4) The company often hires geologists to find…. to find promising sites where no production exists. 5) Legal and economic factors are also important in…. the selection of a drilling site 6) A company can easily commit several million dollars…. to find, drill for, and produce oil and gas. 7) The operating company takes several steps before telling the drilling contractor exactly where…. to place the rig and start, or spud, the hole. 8) Surveyors establish and verify…. exact boundaries and locations. 9) The company also confirms that…. it has budgeted the necessary drilling funds and that the funds are available. 10) In an area that is especially sensitive, the operator and contractor take extra steps to ensure that…. as little harm as possible occurs