On balance, I feel that rather than spoiling our health or reducing enjoyment of our free time these devices actually enhance our lives. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 It is argued that the use of mobile phones should be forbidden in public places due to several reasons, while there is an opposite opinion that the freedom to use the phones in such settings should never be restricted. This essay will examine both viewpoints and will attempt to demonstrate my personal opinion on this issue.To start with, not allowing people to utilize their mobile devices in public places could be a reasonable measure. For instance, in some situations mobile phones should be disallowed for the sake of security – thus, students normally cannot take advantage of their phones at the exams, airplane passengers are usually asked to turn off their devices during take-off and landing, or governmental building visitors cannot use their phones to take photos inside. In addition, using mobile phones in certain cases, namely important business meetings, is seen an impolite behavior, and it should not be tolerated.However, the opponents of restricting mobile technology usage in public places claim that sometimes mobile phones are indispensable. One of the examples could be a situation when a person faces an imminent danger, such as when they are lost in an unknown neighborhood or when there is a need to urgently call ambulance or a firefighter brigade. On the other hand, using a mobile phone by tourists visiting public sights is fully understandable because this category of people would like to take pictures with their phones, which should be considered legal and safe.With the above reasons in mind, the issue of using mobile devices should be treated from various perspectives, and in some cases mobile phones should be completely switched off for safety reasons, which I fully support. Nevertheless, I believe that such devices should be allowed in public places when there is an urgent necessity. ************* It is clear that large numbers of people spend a considerable proportion of their leisure time looking at their smart phones or similar gadgets. In my view there are two major reasons for this. Firstly, so much of our lives is now managed through these devices and we are expected to be in touch at all times. It is no longer acceptable to say that we are on holiday and cut off from communication with the outside world. A related but separate point is that it is difficult to conduct our social lives without a mobile device. People travel much more and their friends often live far away. Therefore, they actually need to conduct relationships online rather than face to face and for this reason frequent use of a mobile device is considered essential. There are some worrying aspects to this growth in the use of mobile devices, especially at times when people are supposed to be relaxing. Firstly, it is widely believed that phone use can become addictive and lead to an unhealthy dependence. People can become anxious if they do not check their devices at all times of the day and night and this can cause insomnia and other kinds of mental health problems. On the other hand, such devices can provide great sources of information and entertainment during our free time. It is, for example, valuable to have a mobile device when travelling in a new area, to look up routes or to find interesting places to visit. They also greatly facilitate activities such as making arrangements to meet up with friends. On balance, I feel that rather than spoiling our health or reducing enjoyment of our free time these devices actually enhance our lives.
Some ideas about the benefits of mobile phones: 1. The mobile phone is the most popular gadget in today’s world. 2. We can stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are. 3. Users can send text messages, surf the Internet, take photos and listen to music. 4. Mobiles have also become fashion accessories. 5. Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate.
Children should be allowed to use smartphones at school.
1. However, some people disagree with my opinion and claim using smartphones at school does not seem a practical idea. Mobile phones can distract students from their studies. 2. However, some people disagree with my opinion and claim using smartphones at school does not seem a practical idea. 3. Nonetheless, there are some people who oppose my opinion and say using smartphones at school does not seem a sensible idea. Mobile phones can distract students from their studies because of social nets, video channels and music sites. Thus, pupils cannot concentrate on the learning process.
Do they have more advantages than disadvantages?
1. Mobile phones are useful in emergencies. They could even save your life due to allowing you to contact the police, fire- department and so on. 2. They keep you from getting bored. For example, you can read the news, play games, listen to music or watch a movie, while on a bus. 3. They have revolutionized the way we communicate. 4. We can stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues wherever we are. 5. Smart phones are versatile; they allow us to send text messages, surf the Internet, take photos, listen to music, etc. 6. They could be used as fashion accessories. 7. They are a powerful learning tool. Because of the applications put in smart phones these days, children and even adults will learn a lot of things from them. 8. They are equipped with high-resolution cameras. With these devices, you always have your camera available, being able to take high-quality photos any time you want. 9. Having a smartphone makes it much more convenient to check your email or even your bank account while on the go. 10. Smartphones can be great for drivers as they can help them get to their destination and avoid traffic jams.
1. It is so annoying when people talk loudly on their cell phones. 2. People have become too dependent on them. We are addicted to our mobile phones, and the idea of leaving them at home or turning them off would give us instant anxiety. 3. Cell phones reduce face-to-face communication. 4. Some people send rude text messages. 5. Cell phones could be problematic in some public places: § They cause disturbance in cinemas. § They could disrupt classes and break students’ concentration. 6. Their waves could damage our brains. 7. They are a popular target for thieves. 8. They could be a dangerous distraction (e.g. using a cell phone while driving reduces the driver’s concentration). Texting while driving has already caused tens of millions of deaths from traffic accidents. 9. Anyone can get a hold of you anywhere and anytime through mobile phones. There are certain times you do not want this, but people you know expect you to be reachable since you own such a device. 10. Using cell phones to cheat in exams has become a big issue in many schools. Students are now able to text answers under their desks during exams and sometimes even find the answers using a search engine on their phones.
The mobile phone has become the most popular gadget in today’s world. The reason for this is that it is portable and versatile. Mobile phones are now carried at all times by most people, allowing us to stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are. Furthermore, they now have many more functions than a standard telephone; mobile phone users can send text messages, surf the Internet, take photos and listen to music, as well as making calls. Mobiles have become fashion accessories, and they have revolutionized the way we communicate.