ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем (300 страниц). 2. Перефразирование темы эссе в первом абзаце (206 вариантов) и перечень синонимов для написания эссе. https://vk.com/ege2020english или e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru
Mobile phones Полезный материал для написания ЭССЕ. Advantages of mobile phones for students: It's very clear to all that mobile phones are really useful for students. If students have a mobile phone, then it's easy to contact anyone at their needs. For example, if a student has some problem in school or on the street after school, he can contact their parents immediately. So, the mobile phone is one of the best solutions for any emergency situations. And mobile phone also is a great equipment in order to improve knowledge and communicate with the world. Early morning it works as an alarm clock. Also, it works as reminder if you put some notes on reminder. You can take photos or listen to music anywhere you like. You can manage your spending or receiving money with the help of money management apps. You can use the mobile phone as your personal diary. For these reasons, each student should have a mobile phone. Nowadays smartphone is not something weird to many people. It is one of the most useful technology devices that not only adults such as businessmen but also students at school or college use very much. With a smartphone we can do many things. Firstly, like any other phones, we can use smartphone for communication purpose such as making phone calls or sending text message. Secondly, we also use smartphone to entertaining activities such as playing games or listening to music. Moreover, smartphone can also be used to get information about what is happening around the world if you surf the webs. Furthermore, students can use smartphone to record and listen to their lessons, or they can record their voice when they study foreign language. In addition to these benefits, it’s a very useful tool for you. It can be an alarm clock, a calculator, a weather forecast and an excellent direction. People use smartphones for entertaining purposes (taking photos, playing games, listening to music, watching movies) while others use their for communicative purposes (making phone calls and sending text messages). Certain people use mobile phonesto getinformation about what is happening around the world. Smartphone can also be used as your personal diary.Individuals can manage your spending or receiving money with the help of money management apps.
Some people say that mobile phones should not be allowed in public places, others argue that people should be free to use their mobiles wherever they like.