Watch a video “Furniture” («Мебель»), repeat the new words. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Thursday, the fifth of November Classwork 1. Watch a video “Furniture” («Мебель»), repeat the new words. 2. Answer the questions (ex. 2 p. 48 SB) using the example. Example: What room is in picture 1? - It’s a bedroom. What furniture has it got? - It has got a wardrobe, a bed, …
3. Read the dialogue (ex.3 p. 48 SB)
4. Fill in the missing word using the information from the dialogue. Write this text down into your exercise books. Olga has got a new ………………….. . It is really ……………… . Her flat has got ………………. rooms. They are a small ………………. , a ……………….. , a …………… and a …………………… . Olga has got a …………. and an ……………….. in her living room but she hasn’t got a ………………. . In the bedroom she has got a ……………… and a …………….. . Olga has got a …………….. , a ……………….. and a ………………. in the kitchen.
5. Homework a) Write the new words down into your vocabularies. b) Ex. 1 p. 30 WB