вопросительное слово – вспомогательный (или модальный) глагол –подлежащее – смысловой глагол - дополнения и обстоятельства ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 вопросительное слово – вспомогательный (или модальный) глагол –подлежащее – смысловой глагол - дополнения и обстоятельства Where do you work? How long have you been here? NB! Исключение составляют вопросы к подлежащему или его определениям. Они задаются без вспомогательного глагола, т.е. используют прямой порядок слов. При этом, вопросы к подлежащем задаются в единственном числе (ср. в русском языке Кто пришел на работу? – Они пришли.) Подлежащее - сказуемое- дополнения- обстоятельства
Who works in this department? Who has signed this contract? How many employees work at this factory? Упражнения 1. Put the following adjectives under the correct headings. English old horrible grey glass round shopping short middleaged plastic Italian beautiful sports ugly square leather red German small young white writing curly large
Opinion – …………………………………. Size – ……………………………………… Age – ……………………………………… Shape – …………………………………… Colour – …………………………………… Origin – ……………………………………. Material – ………………………………….. Purpose – …………………………………..
2. Put the words in the right order. 1) French/fluently/speak/I …………………………………….. 2) a lot of exercises/did/he/yesterday ………………………….. 3) newspapers/read/every day/I ………………………………… 4) our plans/carefully/we/discussed ……………………………. 5) has lost/Tom/his passport ……………………………………. 6) watch/you/do/on television/the news? ……………………….. 7) my letter/Tom/answered/quickly …………………………….. 8) Rome/very well/you /know/do? ……………………………….. 9) this book/in France/you/do/buy? ………………………………. 10) keeps/ the company/the money/in a bank ………..………… 11) work for/which/do/company/you? …………………………. 12) I/very well/English/don’t speak ……………………………. 13) from the bank/borrowed/$50,000/I …………………………. 14) we/very much/the party/enjoyed ……………………………. 15) passed/Tom/easily/the examination ………………………… 16) every day/do/the same things/we …………………………… 17) I/very much/like/their goods/don’t …………………………. 18) you/do/the same mistakes/why/make/always?
3. Put the words in the right order. 1) arrived/at the airport/we/early ………………………………….. 2) didn’t/yesterday/go/I/to university ……………………………… 3) to work/tomorrow/going/you/are ………………………………. 4) was/the company/in 2005/founded ………………………………. 5) be/this morning/will/at work/you? ………………………………. 6) are/to London/going/next week/they? …………………………… 7) to the restaurant/did/last night/go/you ………………………….. 8) on Friday/here/will/she/be? …………………………………….. 9) in America/born/Abraham/in 1809/was/ Lincoln ………………… 10) I/in bed/my breakfast/this morning/had ……………………….. 11) in September/going/Mike/to university/is …………………….. 12) many times/I/to London/been ………………………………….. 13) my schoolmate/in the Conference/I/ this morning /have seen … 14) afternoon/to the bank/went/yesterday/I …………………………
4. Put the word in brackets into the sentences. 1) Bill works for the same company. (also) 2) Our Sales Manager speaks to me. (never) 3) Nick is careful. (always) 4) finish study at 4 o’clock. (usually) 5) My friend has started a new job. (just) 6) I come home before 10 p.m. (rarely) 7) The train isn’t late. (usually) 8) I don’t go to museums. (often) 9) Has he come? (yet) 10) I will forget what you said. (never) 11) Have you been to London? (ever) 12) Do you work for the same company? (still) 13) They stay in the same hotel. (always) 14) Ben doesn’t work on Sundays (usually) 15) “Did you sell your car?” “No, I’ve got it.” (still) 16) I can remember his title. (never) 17) What do you have for lunch? (usually) 18) When I arrived at the airport, Kate was there. (already)
5. Put the adjectives in brackets into their usual order. 1) an (German/interesting/young) woman 2) a (fat/short) man 3) two (round wooden large) tables 4) a (middle-aged/tall) woman 5) some (Japanese/tiny) TV sets 6) a (young/handsome) manager 7) a (red/plastic/cheap) raincoat 8) a pair of (leather/expensive/black) shoes
6. Make Yes/No questions from these statements. 1) She lives in London. 2) They played tennis yesterday. 3) Sue is coming. 4) They have finished their work. 5) He is doing his homework.6) She’s got a lot to do today. 7) They’ve bought a new car. 8) You know Mr. Green. 9) The company can pay for that order. 10) The shop closes at 8 o’clock. 11) They are English. 12) The prices will go up soon.
7. Complete the questions. 1) “They went to the station.” “What time …?” 2) “I’ve got some money.” “How much …?” 3) “We are going.” “Where …?” 4) “I’m worried.” “Why …?” 5) “I was reading” “What …?” 6) “He visits the factory” “How often …?” 7) “They will do it.” “When …?” 8) “She’s been waiting outside.” “How long…?” 9) “I come from Australia” “Which part of Australia …?” 10) “I’ve got a car.” “What kind of car ………?” 11) “We saw a film” “which film …?” 12) “She was talking to someone.” “Who …?”
8. Ask questions to the subject of the sentences using who or what. 1) She wants to see someone. 2) Someone wants to see her. 3) Someone told me. 4) I told someone. 5) Someone wrote to me. 6) I wrote to someone. 7) Something is making tis noise. 8) He’s making something. 9) Someone makes the decision. 10) They helped someone. 11) Someone helped them. 12) Something happened.
9. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences 1) My car is yellow. 2) It is 5 o’clock. 3) I want to go for a walk this evening. 4) I want to go for a walk this evening. 5) The capital of Great Britain is London. 6) That man’s name is George. 7) We are going to a restaurant. 8) It took me a long time to find a job. 9) I am going to learn French. 10) He is waiting for a train. 11) I get up at 7 o’clock. 12) I like classical music. 13) I’ve got five dogs. 14) I rarely watch TV. 15) It takes an hour by underground from my house to the university. 16) They have gone to the park. 17) They were late because of the traffic. 18) Tom is 18. 19) This camera costs $1000. 20) She was wearing a red cap.
* PRACTICE LEVEL 2 1. Put the words in the correct order. Some sentences have two clauses separated by a dash(-). Begin these sentences with the clause given first 1) Larry Page/other/ Serge Brin/ met/and/each- graduate/ at Stanford University/students/were/they/when. 2) although/ like/at first/didn’t/they/another/one- to work/ soon/started/they/together. 3) started/a friend’s/ Page and Brin/ garage/ the Google business/in/ in1998/. 4) called “Backrub”/ since 1996/had/ engine/ working on/ they/search/a/been. 5) started/ Together/ when /Page and Brin/to work/ – weren’t /money/ interested/they making/in. 6) whole/ To share/ they/world/ wanted/ideas/ their/the/with. 7) of/millions/today/Google/use/people-the company/ billion dollars/ is/several /worth.
2. Put in still, yet or already. 1) I haven’t read today’s newspaper. 2) Do you study economics? 3) “I haven’t finished working on the project.” “I am working on it.” 4) “What time is Sue going to be here?” “She’s here.” 5) Do you live in Saint-Petersburg? 6) Bob isn’t here. 7) When we arrived at the cinema, the film had started. 8) Do you drive the same car or you sold it? 9) I wrote to them two weeks ago and I’m waiting for a reply. 10) She only started the book yesterday, but she’s finished it. 11) You don’t need to tell Ken the news: he knows.
3. Ask questions using the prompts Interviewing a lawyer Example: When/you/decide to be a lawyer? When did you decide to be a lawyer? 1) How long/ you/have to study? 2) How/you/remember/all the facts? 3) What/interest/you/most about the law? 4) What kind of law /you/specialize in? 5) Which/ lay firm/you work for? 6) You/earn/high salary? 7) You/ever/appear in a murder/trial? 8) What/you/like most/about the job? 9) What/you/do in ten years’/time? 10) What/your personality/like?