


Случайная статья

Текст 2. Processing a criminal case

Текст 2. Processing a criminal case


1. injury – телесное повреждение

2. ambulance – скорая помощь

3. to be enraged at something – придти в ярость по поводу чего-то

4. to abuse somebody – оскорбить кого-то

5. to charge somebody with a first-degree murder – обвинить кого-то в убийстве первой степени

6. a sentence of life imprisonment – приговор о пожизненном заключении

7. severe – суровый

8. an assault –нападение

9. a misdemeanor – незначительное правонарушение

10. a prosecutor – обвинитель

11. a defense attorney – защитник

12. circumstances -- обстоятельства


Fred and Henry, friends for several years, got into a fight at a bar one night. The situation escalated and resulted in injury to both men. The barman called the police. They arrived, called the ambulance to take both men to hospital and place both men under arrest. Another friend, Steve, was so enraged at the arrests that he abused the officer verbally and physically. He was placed under arrest, too.

On the way to the hospital Henry died. There was enough evidence to charge Fred with a first-degree murder. Conviction on that charge resulted in a sentence of life imprisonment. There could have been another sentence – a penalty of ten years to life for Fred, but since he had had several previous contacts with the law, his sentence was so severe.

Steve was charged with a simple assault (a misdemeanor) and got 6 months to a year in jail. Steve was a college student who had never had been in trouble with the law and the police before. He had a part-time job, had worked steadily at that job while attending the college, and had lived with his family for five years.

The cases of Fred, Steve, and Harry present some of the problems that confront prosecutors. Prosecutors and defense attorneys could present this criminal case differently, but in any case all the circumstances before, during and after the criminal trial should be taken into account.      


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