ПЕРЕЛІК КОМУНІКАТИВНИХ ЗАВДАНЬ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 4.1. ПЕРЕЛІК КОМУНІКАТИВНИХ ЗАВДАНЬ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ 1. You have met a teacher of an infant school from the UK at a conference of the British Council. At the moment you are writing her a letter, giving personal profile. Point out the most important personal qualities of a primary school teacher. Why have you decided to teach English to young learners? Give reasons for your choice. 2. Why have you chosen the profession of a teacher? Prove that it is very important and competitive. 3. Describe the system of education in Ukraine. Show its advantages and disadvantages comparing to those of Great Britain and the US. 4. You are planning your pupils’ leisure time. What games do kids usually like to play? What kind of toys would you recommend for boys and girls? 5. You are writing a letter to your new pen-friend, who lives in the US. You want to inform him/her about your native city. Prove that your native land is worth loving and admiring. 6. You are getting ready for the presentation on the problem of globalization. Give a well-reasoned brief and prove that English is a means of international communication. 7. You have been asked to present a speech about healthy way of life for your fellow students from the UK. You have analyzed a lot of special literature on the topic and now you are ready to give reasons of the necessity to eat proper food, to take up sports etc. 8. Why do people keep their national traditions? Which customs and traditions in the UK and in Ukraine are different and which are alike? Are there any reasons for that? 9. How do people of different age spend their free time? What hobbies do children, teenagers and young people have? Are hobbies different in different countries? 10. Analyze the system of primary education in the UK and compare it to our system. Which advantages does each of them have? Give your opinion. 11. The British say that their homes are their castles. Do you agree with the proverb? Describe the house of your dream. 12. Do computers play an important role in your life? How can teachers use modern technology in their work? What are the best ways for schoolchildren to use them? 13. You are planning your summer holidays. Is London worth visiting? Which tourist attractions would include to your sightseeing tour? 14. You have been asked to present the brief outline of the UK to your colleagues. Speak on the most important items. 15. What are you made of? Do you listen to classical music? Why or why not? Have you ever been to a play? If so, when was the last time? Can you name 10 world known artists? 16. Are cinema and television rivals? Does our future belong to television or to cinema? 17. The British say they don’t have climate, only weather. What do they mean? Is it true for our country? 18. Seasons’ and weather changes influence upon people, don’t they? When do you feel the best? Give your reasons. 19. Individuals have always played an important role in the history of each nation. Speak about famous British people, who are worth being respected by everyone. 20. An educated person has read a great number of books. Prove that there are authors whose books can be read several times. 21. Travelling enriches people, makes their lives exciting, helps learn a lot about our world. How do people travel? Give your idea of the best way to see the world. 22. Do all people follow fashionable trends? Do clothes help in setting contacts? Explain the role of clothes in human’s life. 23. You have been asked to present a speech about healthy way of life for your fellow students from the UK. You have analyzed a lot of special literature on the topic and now you are ready to give reasons of the necessity to eat proper food, to take up sports etc. 24. Is healthy way of life the same all over the world? What are the traditions of British and Ukrainian cuisine? 25. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Do personal qualities or appearance influence on your choice of a close friend? What makes a personality? 26. Do healthy way of life and sports mean the same? What kinds of sports do not harm our health? What are Olympic Games for? 27. Give your idea of an interesting way of life. What is the best way to combine daily routine and leisure time? 28. You are writing a letter to your new pen-friend, who lives in the UK. Tell him about the way of life of Ukrainian students: their daily routine and leisure activities. 29. Why do people keep their national traditions? Which customs and traditions in the UK and in Ukraine are different and which are alike? Are there any reasons for that? 30. What makes a great teacher great?