About myself. Great BritainСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒
Управление персоналом 2 курс ОЗО Экзамен 13 окт 3 Oct Экзамен за весь курс: 1. Устная часть: Рассказ о себе (About myself (education/profession/job/career prospects) – 5 – 7 sentences. И рассказ одной любой страноведческой темы: Great Britain/ the USA/ English as a global language (8 – 10 sentences). 2. Письменная часть: Заготовка из прошлого семестра: your resume and your covering letter (прислать до экз) Реферирование текста (Summarizing – 10 – 12 sentences) на экз. 3. Контрольная работа your resume and your covering letter: оформить по правилам и прислать мне на почту до экз. n.zelevskaya@365.rsu.edu.ru (сюда присылайте контрольные работы, резюме и сопроводительное письмо, до 12 окт, 13 окт -экз.) About myself I am Darya Smirnova. I am 30 years old. I entered Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin in 2019 and now I study at the department of Human Resource Management. I work and study. I work as an administrator. I hope that higher education will help me improve my career prospects. I want to work as a government official.
Great Britain The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the north-west of Europe. It is situated on the islands. The capital of the country is London. The population of the country is about 60 million people. The national currency is the pound. The British society consists of classes: upper class (lords, members of parliament, government), middle class (businessmen, administrative and management employees, doctors, educational sphere) and lower class (workers, unemployed). The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. point