lt;question>What disease may the onset of rheumatic endocarditis be preceded by?90.<question>What disease may the onset of rheumatic endocarditis be preceded by? <variant>It may be preceded by tonsillitis✔️ <variant>It may be preceded by lung abscess <variant>It may be preceded by gastritis <variant>It may be preceded by bronchitis <variant>It may be preceded by appendicitis
91.<question> If the patient is suffering from rheumatic endocarditis his pulse becomes... on physical exertion. <variant>accelerated✔️ <variant>slow <variant>calm <variant>repeated <variant>normal
92.<question> What fractures are more serious? <variant>compound✔️ <variant>open <variant>slow <variant>simple <variant>wide
93.<question> Strong emotion, want of food, fatigue, and pain are the causes of <variant>fainting✔️ <variant>bleeding <variant>feeling <variant>poisoning <variant>sunstroke
94.<question>… is a symptom of many diseases, isn’t it? <variant>headache✔️ <variant>toothache <variant>earache <variant>backache <variant>pain in the neck
95.<question>What is pneumonia? <variant>the inflammation of the lung✔️ <variant>the inflammation of the bronchi <variant>the inflammation of the appendix <variant>the inflammation of the stomach <variant>the inflammation of the trachea
96.<question>In fainting a patient loses … <variant>consciousness✔️ <variant>pulse <variant>temperature <variant>feel dizzy <variant>blood
97.<question>At a hospital … operates the patients. <variant>surgeon✔️ <variant>therapeutist <variant>neurologist <variant>pharmacist <variant>physician
98.<question>The face of a person before fainting gets very … <variant>pale✔️ <variant>red <variant>yellow <variant>pinkish <variant>hot
99.<question>Shock is very … <variant>dangerous✔️ <variant>difficult <variant>important <variant>rapid <variant>harmful