lt;question>Institution, ring up, physician,complaint, administer30.<question>Institution, ring up, physician,complaint, administer <variant>мекеме, қоңырау шалу,врач,шағым,тағайындау ✔️ <variant>врач,қоңырау шалу, шаңым, тағайындау, мекеме <variant>мекеме,шағым, тағайындау, қоңырау шалу, врач <variant>тағайындау, шағым, врач, қоңырау шалу, мекеме <variant>қоңырау шалу, мекеме, шағым, врач, тағайындау
31.<question>At the in-patient department … give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections <variant>the nurse✔️ <variant>the ward doctor <variant>the physician <variant>the patient <variant>the pharmacist
32.<question>The patient with severe form of pneumonia … <variant>was admitted to the in-patient therapeutic department of the hospital✔️ <variant>was allowed to attend the treatment at the polyclinic <variant>was admitted to the in-patient surgery department of the hospital <variant>was allowed to attend the treatment at home <variant>was admitted to the in-patient neurology department of the hospital
33.<question>The spleen is… <variant>located in the left side of the abdominal cavity behind the stomach✔️ <variant>located in the right side of the thoracic cavity behind the lung <variant>located in the left side of the thoracic cavity behind the lung <variant>located in the left side of the thoracic cavity behind the stomach <variant>located in the right side of the thoracic cavity the stomach
34.<question>Purulent, sputum, spleen, enlarge, severe <variant>іріңді, қақырық,көк бауыр,үлкею, мықты✔️ <variant>қақырық,көк бауыр,үлкею,мықты,іріңді <variant>көк бауыр,іріңді,қақырық,мықты,үлкею <variant>үлкею,көк бауыр,қақырық,мықты,іріңді <variant>қақырық,үлкею,мықты,іріңді,көк бауыр