Read Hebrews 8:7-13 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 Read Hebrews 8:7-13 Q9. In chapter 7:22 and 8:6 the writer has introduced us to the better covenant guaranteed by Jesus. The covenant of which Jesus is mediator is superior to the old one. From 8:7-9, what was the problem with the old covenant?
Q10. From verses 10 to 12, what “better promises” does God make about this “better covenant”?
Note: The words “covenant” and “testament” are related. Hebrews is part of the New Testament, the written record of God’s new, better and superior covenant guaranteed and mediated by Jesus. Hebrews 8:8-12 contains a direct quotation from a prophecy God gave the prophet Jeremiah in approximately 590 BC (Jeremiah 31:31-34). At that time the Jewish people worshipped other gods and would not repent when warned by God. So they were forcibly taken away from their land by the Babylonian superpower, and the temple of God was destroyed. God sent the nation these encouraging words. A time was coming when he would make a new covenant with them, bringing a close relationship and forgiveness of sins.
To think about: Thank God that our relationship with him is through the new covenant. When we repented and believed we received the Holy Spirit who puts God’s laws in to our minds and hearts and helps us to know God. God will never remember our sins – we are forgiven. Thank him for all this.