Read Hebrews 7:11-28Read Hebrews 7:11-28 Q3. From verses 11-12, which of Jacob’s 12 sons were the priests descended from? From verses 13-14, which of Jacob’s 12 sons was Jesus descended from (see Matthew 1:2)?
Note For the requirement that only the descendants of Levi (the Levitical priesthood) could work as priests in the Tent of Meeting, see Numbers 18:1-7.
Q4. From verses 15-17, on what basis is Jesus a priest in the order of Melchizedek? (Also notice the words “for ever” repeated in verses 17, 21, 24 and 28 and the emphasis on “permanent” and “always lives” in verses 24 and 25).
Note: A covenant (7:22) is a legal promise. In Greek, the Old and New Testaments of the bible contain the old and new covenants. In verse 20-22 the writer quotes for the first time the whole of Psalm 110:4 which begins “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind…”. See Hebrews 6:16-17 about the significance of God’s oath. The writer says that Jesus was appointed priest not through the Old Testament law under the old covenant but by God’s oath. So Jesus has become the guarantee of a new, better covenant (7:22). As the writer summarises in Hebrews 7:28 “The law appoints as high priests men… but the oath appointed the Son”.
Q5. In what ways is Jesus a better high priest than the high priests in the Old Testament? Reasons are given in verses 23-25 and verses 26-28. How does Jesus meet our need?
Note the word “completely” in verse 25 can also mean “for ever”, so verse 25 can read “He is able to save for ever those who come to God through him…”
To think about: In Hebrews 7:19 and 22 the writer tells us we have a better hope and a better covenant, so we can draw near to God. We have a high priest who meets our need. Think of the privileges we enjoy that Old Testament believers did not know about: Jesus sacrificed for our sins once for all when he offered himself; he is able to save us completely for ever when we come to God through him; Jesus always lives to intercede for us and to help us when we are tempted. Thank God for the privileges he has given us in Jesus.