Not as … (as) /not so…as. Less … than = not as.as. twice as…as, three times as…as, etc.. the same as (not the same like). Упражнения по теме ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Not as … (as) /not so…as Richard isn’t as old as he looks. (= he looks older than he is) The town center wasn’t as crowded as usual. (=it is usually more crowded) Jenny didn’t do as wellin the exam as she had hoped. (= she had hoped to do better) The weather is better today. It’s not as cold. (=yesterday was colder) I don’t know as many people as you do. (= you know more people) ‘How much did it cost? Fifty pounds?’ ‘No, not as much as that.’ (=less than fifty pounds) It’s not cold. But it isn’t so cold as yesterday. (= it isn’t as cold as…) Less … than = not as...as I spent less money than you/ (= I didn’t spend as much money as you) The city center was less crowded than usual. (it wasn’tas crowded as usual) twice as…as, three times as…as, etc. Petrol istwice as expensive asit was a few years ago. Their house is about three times as big as ours. the same as (not the same like) Laura’s salary is the same as mine or Laure gets the same salary as me. David as the same age as James. ‘What would you like to drink’ ‘I’ll have the same as you.’ Упражнения по теме