Гидрологи ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Гидрологи Atmospheric moisture Water vapour Evaporation Surface Fog Condensation Salt and dust particles To result Sufficient Precipitation To move (movement) To assume (assumption) To occur To intercept Important Constant Direct (directly) Dry To depend on Major elements Solid Liquid Gaseous state Runoff To infiltrate Capacity Depression To discharge Bottom Rocks Slope Ground water Stream channel Percolation Deficit Water table Stream bed Porous stratum To include To hold Vegetation To absorb To saturate Basin order Drainage density In order to To predict According to Watershed Alluvial channel Outlet Salinity Faulting Thalveg Knick point Waterfall To adjust To modify To carry To supply Frequency Bifurcation ratio Storage of water To gain Flood flow Basin lag Downflow Frictional forces Significant Sluggish To affect Turbulence Motion Bank Velocity Shift Loss of energy Stability Hydraulic radius Determine To observe To prevent Heat Inland lake Temperate Transpiration Solar energy Ponds Ultimately To maintain Function Soil Root system To require To concern Landforms Internal External Endogenous Exogenous Weathering Relief features Mountain chains Ocean trenches Resistance Erosion Earthquake To make up Crust Mantle Core Thickness Depth Rigid To exist To reach Increase Decrease Sedimentary Soluble To consist of Sand Flood Time lapse Up warping To occupy Origin Swamp Dense To contain Remove To reduce Available Sewage Oxbow Meandering Braiding Deposition Pattern Cross-section To appear Cause Load To take place Excess Measuring To provide To achieve Impact To allow Primarily Longitudinal Profile Condition Volume Graded river Roughness