упражнения + ответыСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ 3 упражнения + ответы
Упражнение 1. Tick the correct item. 1 Greg enjoys … in the rain. □ walk □ walking □ to walk 2. I’d like … Molly an e-mail now. □ send □sending □ to send 3. What does Steve want ...? □ do □ doing □ to do 4. The cold coach watched his team … football. □ play □ playing □ to play 5. I prefer … detective stories. □ read □ reading □ to read 6. Would you like something …? □ drink □ drinking □ to drink Упражнение 2. Use Infinitive or -ing form. 1. It was quite late when they saw Martin … (come) up the other side of the street. They saw him … (pause) in front of his house, … (look) up at it and … (knock) at the door. 2. My parents let me (stay) at Molly’s house last weekend. They agreed … (take) me to his place in the car and they made me (promise) to behave myself. 3. Mel hates (answer) the phone. And very often Mel just lets it … (ring). 4. At first Jenny enjoyed … (listen) to Steven but after a while she got tired of … (hear) the same story. 5. Polly can’t (go) to the cinema today. She’s busy … (study) for her exam, which is next week, but she’s decided … (take) a break and … (phone) Megan. 6.I tried … (listen) carefully and in order (not/show) how I was embarrassed, I did my best … (keep) the conversation … (go) on one topic and another. Упражнение 3. Translate into English. 1. Видели, как он упорно тренировался в водных видах спорта. Наверное, он собирался принять участие в соревнованиях. 2. Видно было, как спортсмены достигли финиша. 3. Часто видели, как она занималась художественной гимнастикой в спортивном зале. 4. Видно было, как спортсмен прыгнул и сбил планку. 5. Заметили, что он начал заниматься альпинизмом. 6. Ее нашли наблюдающей за ходом тренировки. 7. Он оставил ракетку лежащей на корте. 8. Было слышно, как фигуристка скользит по катку.