The First Agreement between Kazakhstan and American company Chevron
$$$1. When did the member states of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia put together a joint commission on fostering closer economic ties, planning to create a Eurasian Union by 2015? $On 16 October 2009 $On 12 September 2009 $$On 19 November 2011 $On 6 December 2009
$$$2. When did the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia come into existence? $on January 1, 2005 $$on January 1, 2010 $on January 1, 2005 $on January 1, 2005
$$$3. How many countries had recognized Kazakhstan as independent state by the beginning of 1995: $$ 120 $ 164
$$$4. How many countries had established diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan by the beginning of 1995? $$ 110 $ 164
$$$5. Which document has been signed between Kazakhstan and the USA? $$ “Charter of diplomatic partnership” $ Treaty of the Helsinki process $ Lisbon Protocol $ Program of NATO “Partnership for Peace”
$$$6. Kazakhstan is a member of monetary-finance organizations: $$ IMF, World Bank, EuroBank of Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank $ World Bank and Citibank $ EuroBank and IMF $ African Monclary Fund and European Bank for Reconstruction
$$$7. How can we define the stage of development of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy by the mid. of 1996? $$ The stage of high progress $ The stage of intellectualization $ The stage of full regress $ The stage of international image’s loss
$$$8. When was the Moscow Summit on creation of united economic space for CIS member-states conducted? $$ 1995 $ 1992 $ 1993 $ 1994
$$$9. Indicate the state, which has judicially drawn up boundaries with Kazakhstan: $$ Russia $ China $ Uzbekistan $ Kyrgyzstan
$$$10. Indicate the Asian country, which was the first to recognize the independence of Kazakhstan: $$ Turkey $ Iran $ Japan $ Pakistan
$$$11. European state, which is one of the priority directions of Kazakhstan foreign policy: $$ Germany $ England $ France $ Spain
$$$12. Kazakhstan-American relations are characterized as: $$ Constructive $ Vassal $ Partners $ Non equal
$$$13. How many states have recognized sovereignty of Kazakhstan by 1999? $ 115 $ 160 $ 116
$$$14. With how many states Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations by 1999? $ 115 $ 120 $ 160
$$$15. Indicate the number of foreign embassies, missions and representative offices of international and national organizations in Almaty by 1995: $$ 48 embassies, missions and 16 representative offices $ 46 embassies, missions and 15 representative offices $ 49 embassies, missions and 19 representative offices $ 39 embassies, missions and 18 representative offices
$$$16. Relationships between Kazakhstan and Southern Korea realizes through …. Company. $$ “Samsung” $ “Siemens” $ “Sony” $ “Nissan”
$$$17. Relationships with NATO developed since: $$ 1992 $ 1995 $ 1996 $ 1998
$$$18. Which country recognized the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 7, 1992? $$ France $ Germany $ Spain $ England
$$$19. When were the diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and France established? $$ January 25, 1992 $ February 17, 1992 $ March 15, 1992 $ January 10, 1993
$$$20. Who was the minister of foreign affairs of France who made his visit to Almaty in January 1992? $$ Roland Duma $ Alexander Duma $ Roland Pushkin $ Jacques Chirac
$$$21. How many joint ventures with French companies were established? $ 10 $ 15 $ 9
$$$22. When were the diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and the Great Britain and Northern Ireland established? $$ January 19, 1992 $ February 17, 1992 $ March 15, 1992 $ January 10, 1993
$$$23. When did the president of the RK made his first official visit to France? $$ September, 1992 $ October, 1993 $ March, 1993 $ November, 1992
$$$24. France accepted with satisfaction the decision of Kazakhstan to be: $$ Trade area for French goods $ Industrially undeveloped country $ Militaristic country of Asia $ Nuclear state
$$$25. Who was the president of France by 1994? $$ François Mitterrand $ Jacques Chirac $ Georges Pompidou $ Charles de Gaulle
$$$26. Name the first Central Asian head of the state who visited Zhak Shirak after his election as a president of France $$ N. Nazarbayev $ I. Karimov $ S. Niyazov $ I. Rakhmonov
$$$27. What, in general, defines the place of Kazakhstan in the system of international relations? $$ Geopolitical location of Kazakhstan on the abutment of Europe and Asia $ Geoeconomic factors $ Regional and subregional structural economy $ Military and political potential of the republic
$$$28. How Americans value the possibilities for contribution of capitals in Kazakhstan? $$ More preferential in comparison with other CIS countries $ As the best in the world $ More or less $ The most stable in the world
$$$29. Who was the Prime-minister of the Great Britain, recognized Independence of Kazakhstan? $$ John Major $ Tony Blair $ Margaret Thatcher $ Gordon Brown
$$$30. Who was a president of Turkey, recognized Independence of Kazakhstan? $$ Turgut Özal $ Süleyman Demirel $ Tansu Çiller $ Necmettin Erbakan
$$$31. What state did play leading role in the Central Asia in the 1991-1995? $$ USA $ Russia $ Japan $ Great Britain
$$$32. When did more active policy of Russia begin in Central Asia? $$ 1995 $ 1991 $ 1992 $ 1993
$$$33. Active policy of Russia in the Central Asia began in the ruling of: $$ V. Putin $ M. Gorbachev $ D. Medvedev $ B. Eltsin
$$$34. Why did Central Asian Cooperation form? $$ For unique economic area formation $ For unique military area formation $ For unique cultural area formation $ For unique scientific area formation
$$$35. When was Eurasian Economic Community formed? $$ 2000 $ 2001 $ 2002 $ 2003
$$$36. What states are members of the Eurasian Economic Community? $$ Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan
$$$37. What is a High Body of the Eurasian Economic Community? $$ Interstate Council $ Integration Committee $ Interparliament Assembly $ Commission of permanent representatives
$$$38. What Program was elaborated by NATO in Brussels in 1994? $$ “Partnership for Peace” $ “North Atlantic Alliance in change process” $ “Strategic Partnership” $ “Offensive Partnership”
$$$39. How many states in the Program “Partnership For Peace”? $$ 27 $ 20 $ 30 $ 35
$$$40. When was Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area concluded? $$ 1999 $ 2000 $ 1995 $ 1991
$$$41. What states did conclude Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area in 1999? $$ Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan $ Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan $ Turkmenistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan $ Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan
$$$42. Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area , concluded in 1999 transformed into: $$ Eurasian Economic Community $ GUUAM $ Central Asian Cooperation $ Shanghai Cooperation Organization
$$$43. What states did leave Collective Security Treaty Organization in 1999? $$ Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan $ Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan $ Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan $ Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia
$$$44. When was GUAM formed? $$ 1997 $ 1999 $ 2000 $ 2002
$$$45. On initiative of what state GUAM was formed? $$ USA $ Russia $ China $ India
$$$46. After joining of what republic Central Asian Economic Community was formed in 1998? $$ Tajikistan $ Turkmenistan $ Kyrgyzstan $ Uzbekistan
$$$47. On the base of what Union Euroasian Economic Community was formed? $$ Custom Union $ Central Asian Union $ Union Treaty of Russia and Byelorussia $ Central Economic Community
$$$48.When was Custom Union formed? $$ 1995 $ 1997 $ 1998 $ 2000
$$$49. What states are first members of the Custom Union? $$ Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan $ Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan $ Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan $ Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan
$$$50. What foreign policy conception was declared by Turkmenistan? $$ Conception of “positive neutrality” $ Conception of “isolation” $ Conception of “open doors” $ Conception of “partnership”
$$$51. Which are the founding members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? $$ China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan $ China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan $ China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan
$$$52. What states didn’t join to the Treaty on Collective Security in 1992? $$ Ukraine, Moldova, Turkmenistan $ Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia $ Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia $ Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Armenia
$$$53. Term “Great Game” was introduced by: $$Arthur Connelly $ Josef Toynbee $Churchill $H.Morgentau
$$$54.Organization of the Economic Cooperation and Development unites: $$ Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, states of the Central Asia, Iran, Pakistan $ Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria $ Latin American states $ CIS states
$$$55. Kazakhstan signed agreement about technical cooperation with European Union in: $$ 1992 $ 1994 $ 1995 $ 1996
$$$56. What is “Greater Central Asia”? $$ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan $ Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Japan, Pakistan $ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Japan $ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan
$$$57. What are the functions of the MFA? $$ relations with foreign countries and international organizations $ cultural relations $ tourism $ to establish economic relations
$$$58. Who is the initiator of the Eurasian Union creation? $$ N. Nazarbaev $ V. Putin $ I. Karimov $ E. Shevarnadze
$$$59. The main interest of USA in Central Asia is $$ oil $ people recourses $ gold $ markets
$$$60. What is one of the official languages in SCO? $$ Chinese $ English $ Kazakh $ Hindi
$$$61. Which of Kazakhstan oil field is the biggest and the most profitable for export in perspectives? $$ Karashaganak $ Tengiz $ Bakyr $ Kumtor
$$$62. The first visit of Russian Federation’s president D. Medvedev was to $$ Kazakhstan $ China $ USA $ Uzbekistan
$$$63. Independence of Kazakhstan is recognized by….. states. $$ 115 $ 95 $ 105 $ 200
$$$64. Kazakhstan became a member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development in: $$ October 1991 $ October 1992 $ August30 1992 $ March2 1992
$$$65. Representatives of the European Union work nowadays in: $$ Almaty $ Pavlodar $ Astana $ Karaganda
$$$66. United Nations specialized organ on education, science, and culture is: $$ UNESCO $ IMF $ FAO $ WTO
$$$67.International economic relations more developed in: $$ in the second half of the ХХ c. $ first half of the XX c. $ beginning of the XXI c. $ end of the XIX c.
$$$68. Development of the international economic relations depends of next factors: $$ All of them $ natural (geographical, demographical, raw materials etc.) $ social $ political
$$$69. Involving of foreign investments in Kazakhstan began from: $$ 1991 $ 1994 $ 1995 $ 1996
$$$70. In last years commodity turnover of Kazakhstan increased on: $$ 31% $ 41% $ 51% $ 21%
$$$71. Treaty about friendship, cooperation and mutual aid between Kazakhstan and Russia was signed in: $$ July 2, 1992 $ August 30, 1992 $ March 2, 1992 $ December 16, 1991
$$$72. Kazakhstan delivers to Ukraine… $$ Chemical production $ Transport techniques $ Raw of food and light industries $ Agricultural techniques
$$$73. In 1993 important agreements about mutual protection of investments, giving wide possibilities for realization of load flows were signed between Kazakhstan and: $$ Georgia $ Slovakia $ Iraq $ Egypt
$$$74. Company “Rakhat” jointly with American side formed company: $$ “Rakhat-Banfainama” $ “Rakhat-Erdel” $ “Rakhat-Trans” $ “Rakhat-Asturin”
$$$75. 18 Italian firms and ….join companies work in Kazakhstan nowadays $$ more than 40 $ more than 20 $ more than 30 $ more than 10
$$$76. Bilateral cooperation of Kazakhstan with states of “Big Seven” strengthened, especially with: $$ Great Britain, France, Germany $ Japan, USA $ France, Japan $ USA, Germany, Japan
$$$77. Kazakhstan is a full member of: $$ All of them $ OSCE $ International and European Bank of Reconstruction and Development $ Asian Bank of Development and Organization of Islamic Cooperation
$$$78. The main partner of Kazakhstan in the foreign policy is: $$ Russia $ Italy $ France $ Moldova
$$$79. Kazakhstan is one of the consumer of …..electro energy: $$ Kyrgyzstan’s $ Turkmenistan’s $ China’s $ Iran’s
$$$80. ….. mining company works under the head of British company $$ Sokolov-Sarbay $ Kacharskoe $ Lisakovskoe $ Karataskoe
$$$81. Kazakhstan gains from Turkey everything, except: $$ ferrous metals $ food $ medical preparation $ cars
$$$82. Meeting of the Council of foreign investments under the head of the RK President are held ….. in year. $$ twice $ three times $ one time $ four times
$$$83. Kazakhstan delivers to Hungary everything, except: $$ Medicine equipment $ Oil $ Phosphorus $ Chemical production
$$$84. Kazakhstan became a member of the Islamic Development Bank in: $$ 1995 $ 1996 $ 1997 $ 1998
$$$85. Kazakhstan is going to enter to the: $$ WTO $ International Monetary Fund $ Shanghai Cooperation Organization $ Food and Agricultural Organization
$$$86. Foreign capital is ruled by: $$ Eximbank $ Temirbank $ Turan Alem Bank $ Alliance Bank
$$$87. Foreign investments are involved in next spheres of Kazakhstan, except: $$ Machine building $ Oil industry $ Metallurgy $ Agrarian complex
$$$88. Almaty tobacco plant works under ruling of ……company since 1993. $$ American $ German $ French $ British
$$$89. On Karabalty factory in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstani ……processes. $$ Uranium ore $ Aluminum ore $ Polymetal ore $ Ferrous ore
$$$90. Kazakhstan signed agreement on extraction and process of ferrous and non-ferrous metals with British company: $$ «Trans World Group» $ «Shell» $ «Asturin» $ «Access Industries»
$$$91. Sultanate of Oman gave credit to Kazakhstan: $$ 100 mln $ 30 mln $ 70 mln $ 50 mln
$$$92. Asian Bank of Development cooperates with Kazakhstan since: $$ 1994 $ 1995 $ 1996 $ 1997
$$$93. Kazakhstan imports from Belarus next goods, except: $$ Oil $ Transport $ Mineral fertilizer $ Chemical production
$$$94. More than …. integration organizations numbered in Kazakhstan. $$ 60 $ 40 $ 30 $ 50
$$$95.What Asian Regional Center was formed in Almaty? $$ «Mercury» $ «Mars» $ «Venire» $ «Plutonic»
$$$96. ..... were built by Turkish builders, except: $$ Bridge through Irtysh river in Semipalatinsk $ Factory on production of matches in the Southern Kazakhstan $ High buildings in Astana $ Hotel “Ankara” and “Ramstor” in Almaty
$$$97. How many embassies are opened in Kazakhstan nowadays? $$ 60 $ 70 $ 80 $ 90
$$$98. Kazakhstan imports from Ukraine: $$ Transport techniques $ Oil $ Ferrous and non-ferrous metals $ Wool
$$$99. How many Kazakhstani-French joint ventures work in Kazakhstan? $$ more than 20 $ more than 30 $ more than 10 $ more than 40
$$$100. Nazarbayev N.A. is the author of: $$ “Kazakhstan-2050” $ “The Strategy of Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as Sovereign State” $ “On the Eve of the 21st Century $ “Under the banner of Independence”
$$$101. Nazarbayev N.A. considers that Kazakhstan’s foreign politic course is dictated by: $$ International conditions $ Imperialistic ambitions $ National and territorial claims $ Military and political potential
$$$102. Any military conflict may lead to: $$ Catastrophic consequences $ Enrichment of national culture $ Economic and politic growth $ Foreign-politic progress
$$$103. Indicate one of the foreign-politic aims, which is regarded by Nazarbayev N.A. as very important for Kazakhstan $$ Participation in creation of Central Asian system of stability and security $ Participation in creation of the collective security of world community $ Participation in creation of global economic system of the world community $ Participation in creation of military and politic blocks
$$$104. In the purposes on creation of the world collective security system, Kazakhstan is achieving: $$ Settlement the conflicts by peaceful means $ Settlement of conflict situations by force $ Settlement of conflicts exclusively by military means $ Settlement the conflicts by military and politic threat
$$$105. From the day of acquisition of independence and sovereignty Kazakhstan arranged economic relations with: $$ 160 countries $ 154 countries $ 134 countries $ 149 countries
$$$106. The first strategic priority of development of Kazakhstan up to 2030-year Nazarbayev N.A. considers: $$ Safeguarding the security and maintenance of state $ Strengthening of military-politic base and maintenance of independence $ Maintenance of economic independence $ Support of territorial inviolability
$$$107. Industrially developed countries are: $$ The USA, Japan and West European countries $ The USA. Great Britain and Middle East countries $ The USA. Germany and East European countries $ The USA, Russia and Latin America countries
$$$108. For the purpose of strengthening of national security and territorial inviolability Kazakhstan cooperates with: $$ UN $ WTO $ NATO $ SEATO
$$$109. By NATO’s initiative Kazakhstan became the member of $ UNO $ World Bank $ EBRD
$$$110. What program did Kazakhstan endorse with NATO? $ Charter of diplomatic partnership $$ Partnership for Peace $ Charter on economic partnership $ Charter on politic partnership
$$$111. Kazakhstan takes….. in Asian Bank Development rating $$ 4th place $ 2nd place $ 3rd place $ 1st place
$$$112. China took part in tender of National Oil Corporation and acquired shares of ... joint-stock company $$ “Aktjuboil” $ “Atyrauoil” $ “Aktauoil” $ “Kazakhoil”
$$$113. Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tokayev K.K. presented aims and purposes of Kazakhstani diplomacy in his book: $$ “Under the banner of Independence” $ “Five years of Independence” $ “On the Eve of XXI century” $ “Kazakhstan 2030”
$$$114. Caspian problems have direct relation to: $$ Strategic interests of Kazakhstan $ Economic interests of China $ Cultural interests of the USA $ Military and politic interest of Middle East countries
$$$115. Foreign-politic goals are possible to divide into: $$ Foreign-economic, social and politic $ Military and politic and social $ Foreign-politic and ecological $ Foreign trade and politic
$$$116. The problems of Caspian Sea Status is at the same time the problem of: $$ Economy and policy $ Culture and trade $ Foreign policy and culture $ War and peace
$$$117. What state doesn’t enter to Shanghai Cooperation Organization? $$ Iran $ Kazakhstan $ China $ Russia
$$$118. Kazakhstan doesn’t export to Turkey: $$ Equipment $ Copper, zinc $ Fertilize $ Wool
$$$119. Foreign policy of any state expresses, first of all: $$ Its national interests $ Economic interests $ Global interests $ Regional interests
$$$120. Indicate the foreign-politic direction of Kazakhstan which doesn’t exist in reality: $$ African $ Asian and APR $ European $ American
$$$121. What is the main interest of USA in our region? $$ oil $ people resources $ gold $ markets
$$$122. “Stagflation” is: $$ inflation, stagnation $ stabilization, inflation $ political party $ postindustrial society
$$$123. “Globalization” may be explained as: $$ integration $ crisis $ disintegration $ collapse
$$$124. What is TRACECA? $$ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia $ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-APR $ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-America $ Transport Corridor Europe-China-Asia
$$$125. When was Independence of Kazakhstan recognized by FRG? $$ December 31,1991 $ January 7, 1992 $ January 19,1992 $ February 21, 1992
$$$126. How many German firms and banks were represented in Kazakhstan in the first half of the 90-s? $$ 60 $ 50 $ 40 $ 35
$$$127. How many German-Kazakhstani join ventures were registered in Kazakhstan in the first half of the 90-s? $$ 163 $ 100 $ 50 $ 120
$$$128. What place did take FRG on number of joint ventures in Kazakhstan among the world states? $$ 3rd place $ 1st place $ 2nd place $ 7th place
$$$129. When was Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia formed? $$ 1992 $ 2000 $ 1995 $ 2004
$$$130. N. Nazarbayev initiated formation of the CICA on: $$ 47 GA session of the UNO in 1994 $ 48 GA session of the UNO in 1995 $ 49 GA session of the UNO in 1996 $ 50 GA session of the UNO in 1997
$$$131. Where is water resources concentrated more in CAR? $$Kirgizstan and Tajikistan $Turkmenistan $Kazakhstan $Uzbekistan
$$$132. When was the law of the RK “about a Diplomatic service” accepted? $$ In 1997 $ In 1993 $ In 1991 $ In 1998
$$$133. Who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in 2010? $$ Kanat Saudabayev $ Marat Tazhin $ Kasyzhomart Tokayev $ Erlan Idrisov
$$$134. Definition of strategic aims and purposes, fundamental principles and priority directions of foreign policy of the country are in exclusive prerogative of $$ President $ Minister for Foreign Affairs $ Vice-President $ Prime-Minister
$$$135. During the age of globalization it is the rise of: $$ information $ transformation $ transportation $ inflation
$$$136. Contemporary world is called: $$ postindustrial $ super industrial $ pre-industrial $ after industrial
$$$137. What does United Nations Organization consist of $$ Security Council, General Assembly, International Court $ International Court and Security Council $ General Meeting, International experts and Military Council $ Military Council, Security Council and International Court
$$$138. The Euro is: $$ a single currency of the European Union $ a single world currency $ a currency of France only $ a currency of Belgium and France only
$$$139. After 11 of September 2001 US declared war against $$ terrorism $ corruption $ sexual minorities $ red tape
$$$140. Kazakhstan has the longest border with $$ Russia $ China $ Kirgizstan $ Uzbekistan
$$$141. The river which takes its source in China and flows in the Arctic Ocean $$ Irtysh $ Ili $ Sarysu $ Ural
$$$142. Toni Blair was an advisor to this leader before he signed contract to aid Mr. Nazarbayev $$ Muammar Gaddafi $ Hu Jintao $ Benjamin Netanyahu $ Hosni Mubarak
$$$143. Karachaganak oil field is located in $$ Aktobe $ Atyrau $ Ural $ Manghystau
$$$144. Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of OSCE was in $$ 2010 $ 2009 $ 2011 $ 2008
$$$145. OSCE conference in Kazakhstan was held in this city $$ Astana $ Almaty $ Aktau $ Atyrau
$$$146. The Winter Asian Game held in Kazakhstan was $$ 7th time $ 5th time $ 6th time $ 4th time
$$$147. Kazakhstan holds the chairmanship of this international organization between 2011-2012 $$ Islamic Conference Organization $ OSCE $ ASEN $ Customs Union
$$$148. Kazakhstan and China signed the border demarcation documents in Beijing in $$ 2002 $ 2003 $ 2004 $ 2005
$$$149. The Foreign minister of RK who signed the border treaty in Beijing was $$ Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev $ Marat Tazhin $ Kanat Saudabayev $ Erzhan Kazykhanov
$$$150. The foreign minister of RK in 2011-12 was $$ Erzhan Kazykhanov $ Bolat Utemuratov $ Kanat Saudabayev $ Aslan Musin
$$$151. When was the anniversary of the General Assembly of the United Nations celebrated? $$ October 25, 1995 $ November 22, 1995 $ September 25, 1995 $ October 22, 1995
$$$152. Contemporary Islamic revival has next aspects: $$ All of them $ External-cultural $ Individual $ Institutional
$$$153. How many Moslems live in the Central Asia? $$ 43 mln $ 40 mln $ 50 mln $ 30 mln
$$$154. How many Islamic organizations do exist in the Central Asia? $$ 20 $ 15 $ 10 $ 5
$$$155. What Islamic organization is the biggest in the Central Asia? $$ Islamic Party of Revival $ Wahhabis $ Warriors of Islam $ League of Moslem Women
$$$156. How many Islamic parties in Kazakhstan? $$ 6 $ 7 $ 4 $ 1
$$$157. When was Central Asian Bank of Reconstruction and Development formed? $$ 1994 $ 1996 $ 1998 $ 2000
$$$158. When was the agreement of foundation of the CIS signed? $$ On December 8, 1991 $ On January 17, 1991 $ On June14, 1990 $ On March 5, 1992
$$$159. When was the meeting of the leaders of the former Soviet Union held? $$ On December 21,1991 $ On June14, 1990 $ On March 3, 1992
$$$160. How many states were represented at the meeting on the 21of December 1991 in Almaty? $$ 11 $ 12 $ 10 $ 8
$$$161. The High Body of the CIS is $$ Council of the Head of states $ Council of the Heads of Governments $ Interparliament Assembly $ Council of 11 states
$$$162. When did Kazakhstan join UN? $$ 1992 $ 1991 $ 1993 $ 1994
$$$163. When Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus were obliged to join the Treaty on non-proliferation of the nuclear weapons? $$ After collapse of the USSR $ June, 1995 $ May 23, 1992 $ February 12, 1946
$$$164. When the complete guarantees of security on the part of the USA, GB and RF were received by Kazakhstan during Budapest OSCE meeting? $$ January 4, 1992 $ October 25, 1992 $ December 5, 1994 $ February 14, 1669
$$$165. When “Charter about democratic partnership was signed by the Presidents of RK and USA? $$ August 1995 $ February 1990 $ January 1991 $ March 1989
$$$166. Indicate one of the criteria for candidates for employees of MFA RK? $$ knowledge of foreign language $ diploma of higher education $ work experience, not less than 5 years $ diploma of higher education, knowledge of foreign language and experience of 2-3 year work
$$$167. When was the rule “about the Embassy of the RK” and “about the basic duties and rights of the Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary ambassador of the RK” authorized? $$ July 1992 $ July 1993 $ June 1994 $ May 1994
$$$168. When did the RK gain its independence? $$ 1991 $ 1990 $ 1992 $ 1993
$$$169. What branch of the UN participated in celebration of 100-year anniversary of Auyezov? $$ UNESCO $ ECOSOS $ ICJ $ FAO
$$$170. When was the UNESCO headquarters in Paris carried out the complex of measures on the celebration of 150-anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev? $$ 1990 $ 1999 $ 1995 $ 2005
$$$171. What country did recognize Kazakhstan as an independent state first? $$ Turkey $ USA $ France $ Great Britain
$$$172. When did Kazakhstan enter the United Nations? $$ In 1992 $ In 1990 $ In 1985 $ In 1999
$$$173. In 3rd of March 1992 Kazakhstan became the full member of $$ The United Nations Organization $ ССАС - Council of North Atlantic cooperation $ The European Union $ OSCE
$$$174. The OSCE representation opened in Kazakhstan $$ In 1999 $ In 1992 $ In 1995 $ In 1996
$$$175. In January 1995 between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus signed $$ Agreements on the Customs Union $ The Contract on expansion and cooperation deepening $ The Declaration on expansion and cooperation deepening $ The Declaration on a dual citizenship
$$$176. The Republic of Kazakhstan is not a member of $$ ASEAN $ United Nations $ EurAsEC $ CIS
$$$177. What OSCE department was opened in Kazakhstan in 1998? $$ Bureau on democratic institutes and human rights $ Bureau on affairs of refugees $ Bureau on information affairs $ Bureau on development of small and average business
$$$178. Kazakhstan joined the agreement on reserve forces of the United Nations in $$ 1992 $ 1991 $ 1990 $ 1995
$$$179. When Kazakhstan has entered the International Monetary Fund? $$ July 15, 1992 $ September 22, 1980 $ October of 10, 1985 $ May 7, 1990
$$$180. Strategically nuclear weapon based in Kazakhstan, was withdrawn into Russia: $$ By Summer 1996 $ In Autumn 2003 $ In August 1997 $ On September14, 1995
$$$181. Rule about the Antiterrorist Center in the CIS was approved on: $$ On December1, 2000 $ On April 24, 2000 $ On September14, 1999 $ On June11, 1999
$$$182. The First Agreement between Kazakhstan and American company Chevron was concluded on: $$ In Spring 1993 $ On October 21,1994 $ On November 17, 1996 $ On August 11, 1993
$$$183. In November 1997 in Washington the contribution Agreement between Kazakhstan and two Oil Giants of the USA was signed: $$ Texaco, Mobil $ Shell, Chevron $ Mobil, Shell $ Dunlop, Pirelli $$ Parliament $ President $ Minister for Foreign Affairs $ Prime-Minister
$$$185. Reasons due to, the states of the Central Asia developing the relations with Russia and the Antiterrorist center of the CIS within the Treaty of Collective Security, and China within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, widen their military cooperation with the USA and their NATO’s allies. $$ It’s a profitable multidirectional cooperation $ Decrease military expanse time limit $ Do not make damage onto State Independence $ Help National Security strength
$$$186. What International Organization regulates conflicts in Europe? $$ OSCE $ MAGATE, Red Cross $ NATO $ Interpol
$$$187. The membership of the World Monetary Fund for Kazakhstan is defined by quota: $$ 247,5 mln dollars $ 260 mln dollars $ 270 mln dollars $ 280 mln dollar $$$188. European Bank of Development and Reconstruction is a creditor of the biggest private investor based in Kazakhstan: $$ Group ISPB (Karaganda Metallurgy Plant) $ Mangystau Munai Gas $ “Chevron” $ Project “ASPERA”
$$$189. Kazakhstan entered Asian Bank of Development on the 19 of January 1994.What is the rate of Kazakhstan with stocks? $$ 14 $ 15 $ 20 $ 21
$$$190. Activity of the Asian Bank of Development in Kazakhstan goes to several directions: $$ development of transport-communication infrastructure $ development of human resources $ restoration of agriculture $ social aid to students
$$$191. Kazakhstan became a member of International Financial Corporation: $$ In September 1993 $ In October 1992 $ In November 1994 $ In March 1995
$$$192. What corporation is the priority of Kazakhstan and Japan? $$ Economical partnership $ Financial cooperation $ Cultural cooperation $ Political partnership
$$$193. Foreign Ministry Council of the CIS was formed: $$ On January 25, 1994 $ In October 1993 $ In September 1993 $ In October 1994 $$ On May15, 1992 $ On February23, 1992 $ On February11, 1992 $$ In September, 1993 $ In October, 1994 $ In January, 1998 $ In March, 2002
$$$196. When was treaty about foundation of Russia and Belarus union signed? $$ 1999 $ 1996 $ 1995
$$$197. When was Kazakhstan joined to NATO’s Program “Partnership for peace”? $$ 1994 $ 1993 $ 1997
$$$198. Within the program of reformation of the CIS in April 1999 total sum of fees of the states for supporting of the CIS Bodies work: $$ 10 mln $ 3 mln $ 7 mln $ 50 mln $$ 1999 $ 1997 $ 1993 $ 1991
$$$200. When was Treaty about foundation of Eurasian Economic Community signed? $$ On October10, 2000 $ On June11, 1993 $ On August23, 2003 $ In October 2001
$$$201. Who is the president of Uzbekistan? $$ Sh.Mirzieev $ G. Berdymukhamedov $ S. Nijazov $ K. Bakiev
$$$202.Who is the president of Tajikistan? $$ I. Rakhmonov $ I. Karimov $ G. Berdymukhamedov $ K. Bakiev
$$$203. Who is the president of Turkmenistan? $$ G. Berdymukhamedov $ I. Rakhmonov $ I. Karimov $ K. Bakiev
$$$204. Who is the president of Kyrgyzstan? $ S.Zheenbekov $ K. Bakiev $$ A. Atambayev $ I. Karimov
$$$205. What state does play leading role in the program “Partnership for Peace”? $$ USA $ Russia $ China $ Great Britain
$$$206. What state does play leading role in Shanghai Cooperation Organization? $$ China $ Kazakhstan $ USA $ Great Britain
$$$207. What state does play leading role in the Treaty on Collective Security? $$ Russia $ USA $ China $ Great Britain
$$$208. When was Central Asian Union formed? $$ 1994 $ 1998 $ 2002 $ 2005
$$$209. When was Central Asian Economic Community formed? $$ 1998 $ 1994 $ 2002 $ 2005
$$$210. When was Central Asian Cooperation formed? $$ 2002 $ 1998 $ 1994 $ 2005
$$$211. What states were included in the GUUAM? $$ Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova $ Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova $ Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova $ Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova
$$$212. Central Asian Cooperation (CAC) unites: $$ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan $ Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan $ Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan $ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia
$$$213. When was Eurasian Economy Community formed? $$ 2000 $ 2001 $ 2002 $ 2003
$$$214. What states did sign Eurasian Economy Community? $$ Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan
$$$215. What is a High Body of the EAEC (Eurasian Economy Community) $$ Interstate Council $ Intergovernmental Council $ Council of the state heads $ Council of the government heads
$$$216. When was Collective Security Treaty Organization formed? $$ 2003 $ 2001 $ 2002 $ 2005
$$$217. What states did sign Collective Security Treaty Organization? $$ Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Ukraine Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan
$$$218. CIS is: $$ Regional, interstate, International organization $ Military-political organization $ Economy organization $ Cultural organization
$$$219. When was Treaty about foundation of Eurasian Economic Community signed? $$ On October10, 2000 $ On May17 , 1996 $ On June11, 1993 $ On August23, 2003
$$$220. When was Kazakhstan joined to NATO’s Program “Partnership for peace”? $$ 1994 $ 1997 $ 1993
$$$221. Treaty of Collective Security between Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan was signed: $$ On May15,1992 $ In March, 1992 $ On February23, 1992 $O n February11, 1992
$$$222. What is an essence of the “New Great Game” in the CAR? $$Between EU and RF (Russian Federation) on establishment of monopoly on CA energy resources. $Between Russia and China on establishment of monopoly on water resources $Between Russia and Turkey on establishment of monopoly on trade $Between Russia and Iran on military presence in CAR
$$$223. “Great Game” was a rivalry in Central Asia in the end of XIX-beg.XXcc. between $$Russia and Great Britain $Russia and France $Great Britain and China $China and Russia
$$$224. What states are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? $$ China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ China, Pakistan, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan $ China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ China, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Tajikistan
$$$225. When Kazakhstan was a chairman of the OSCE? $$ 2010 $ 2009 $ 2008 $ 2011
$$$226. When was Collective Security Treaty Organization formed? $$ 2003 $ 2000 $ 2001 $ 2002
$$$227. What states are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization? $$ Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ China, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ India, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan $ Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan
$$$228. What states are members of the Central Asian Cooperation? $$ Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia $ Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, China, Tajikistan, Russia $ Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China $ Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia
$$$229. Due to Z.Bjezinski what state will play main role in geopolitics of the Central Asia? $$ Uzbekistan $ Kazakhstan $ Turkmenistan $ Tajikistan
$$$230. Who was author of the phrase: “The 90-s are the period of radical breakdown of previous relations in international affairs…?” $$ Nazarbayev N. $ Tokayev K. $ Tereshenko S. $ Kazhegeldin A.
$$$231. What aim stood in the face of Kazakhstan foreign politic conception authors? $$ Determination of role and place of Kazakhstan in contemporary International Relations $ Purposes of geostrategic character $ Revealing of priorities in domestic policy of state $ Generalization of the process which happen in Asia
$$$232. Two countries remained in the shade and are seeking to contest the leading role of the USA in the world $$ Russia and China $ France and England $ England and Russia $ China and Japan
$$$233. Call members of the “Big Triple” countries which will lay claims to the leadership in the nearest historical perspective: $$ The USA, Russia, and China $ England, France, and Germany $ China, Russia, and France $ Germany, USA, and China
$$$234. Geostrategic factors impact upon: $$ Recognition of Kazakhstan by world community $ Reduction of criminality throughout Kazakhstan $ Formation process of Kazakhstani own foreign policy $ The growth of Kazakhstani economic potential
$$$235. Where is Head-Quarter of the Central Asian Bank of Reconstruction and Development situated? $$ Almaty $ Astana $ Tashkent $ Dushanbe
$$$236. What states around the Caspian Sea and solve status of it? $$ Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran $ Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Azerbaijan, Iran $ Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Iran $ Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq
$$$237. Juridical term “Continental Shelf” was defined in 1958 by: $$ Geneva Convention $ Paris Convention $ Rome Convention $ Vienna Convention
$$$238. When did Kazakhstan join to European Energetic Charter? $$ 1995 $ 1992 $ 1991 $ 2000
$$$239. When was agreement about Partnership and Cooperation between European Union and Kazakhstan signed? $$ 1995 $ 1992 $ 1991 $ 2000
$$$240. What is TRACECA? $$ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia $ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-APR $ Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-America $ Transport Corridor Europe-China-Asia
$$$241. When was Independence of Kazakhstan recognized by FRG? $$ December 31, 1991 $ January 7, 1992 $ January 19, 1992 $ February 21, 1992
$$$242. How many German firms and banks were represented in Kazakhstan in the first half of the 90-s? $$60 $50 $40 $35
$$$243. How many German-Kazakhstani join ventures were registered in Kazakhstan in the first half of the 90-s? $$ 163 $ 100 $ 50 $ 120
$$$244. What place did take FRG on number of joint ventures in Kazakhstan among the world states? $$ 3rd place $ 1st place $ 2nd place $ 7th place
$$$245. When was Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia formed? $$ 1992 $ 2000 $ 1995 $ 2004
$$$246. N. Nazarbayev initiated formation of the CICA on: $$ 47 GA session of the UNO in 1994 $ 48 GA session of the UNO in 1995 $ 49 GA session of the UNO in 1996 $ 50 GA session of the UNO in 1997
$$$247. Who is the Secretary General of the SCO? $$ V.Norov $ Pan Gi Mun $ E. Idrisov $ Lee Pen
$$$248. When was the law of the RK “about a Diplomatic service” accepted? $$ In 1997 $ In 1993 $ In 1991 $ In 1998
$$$249. When the RK appeared in the international arena as a sovereign and independent state? $$ December 16, 1991 $ January 10, 1993 $ October 25, 1989 $ August 30, 2000
$$$250. When Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Byelorussia were obliged to join the Treaty on non-distribution of the nuclear weapon as the countries which are not having the nuclear weapon? $$ May 23, 1992 $ June, 1995 $ February 12, 1946 $ July 16, 1998
$$$251. Where the strategic directions of external policy of Kazakhstan were determined? $$ In the work of N.A. Nazarbaev “Strategy organization & development of Kazakhstan as the sovereign state” $ Constitution $ Vienna Convention $ Kazakhstan-2030
$$$252. When the MFA of RK Tokayev K.K. signed the Treaty on universal prohibition for nuclear tests? $$ September 1996 $ August 1995 $ January 1992 $ May 1994
$$$253. What treaty was signed by Tokayev in September 1996 at the 51 session of the UN General assembly? $$ Treaty on universal prohibition of nuclear tests $ Maastricht treaty $ Lisbon treaty $ China treaty
$$$254. Name main responsibilities of MFA RK $$ realization of external policy, represent and protect the interests of the state in international arena & citizens abroad $ protect citizen’s rights $ realization of external policy $ protection of rights of the state
$$$255. When was the rule “about the Embassy of the RK” and “about the basic duties and rights of the Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary ambassador of the RK” authorized? $$ July, 1992 $ July, 1993 $ June,1994 $ May 1994
$$$ 256. Strategically nuclear weapon based in Kazakhstan, was withdrawn into Russia: $$ By Summer 1996 $ On September 28, 1995 $ In Autumn 2003 $ In August 1997
$$$257. Who heads the ministry of foreign affairs of the RK? $$ Minister of foreign affairs $ Secretariat $ Head of the government $ General assembly
$$$258. When was the structure of the central staff of MFA RK was reorganized? $$ 1994 $ 1990 $ 1986 $ 1999
$$$260. What branch of the UN participated in celebration of 100-year anniversary of Auyezov? $$ UNESCO $ ECOSOS $ ICJ $ FAO
$$$261. When was the UNESCO headquarters in Paris the complex of measures on the celebration of 150-anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev carried out? $$ 1995 $ 1990 $ 1999 $ 2005
$$$263. Where were the basic rules of external & internal policies stated by the President N. Nazarbaev? $$ Program-2050 $ Strategy of establishment & development of Kazakhstan as of the sovereign state $ 14 points $ Constitution of the RK
$$$264. Which countries were not included into CIS in 1991? $$ Latvia, Estonia, Georgia $ Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine $ Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, $ Uzbekistan, Russia
$$$265. What is the type of the APEC? $$ economical $ non-governmental $ social $ cultural
$$$266. What is the kind of organization of APEC? $$ Economic forum $ Social forum $ Political forum $ Cultural forum
$$$267. How many countries are members of APEC? $ 35 $ 20 $ 25 $$ 21
$$$268. When GUAM’s Charter was signed? $$ in 2001 $ in 1999 $ in 2009 $ in 2007
$$$269. What is "Partnership for the sake of the world"? $Peace-making operation of the Soviet armies in Afghanistan $ The policy of appeasement spent to 1930th in Europe $$ New, peace-making mission of the NATO $ Policy of appeasement of Great Britain in Northern Ireland
$$$270. How many countries in SEATO? $ 7 $$ 8 $ 4 $10
$$$271. Which country is not the member of GUAM? $$ Russia $ Moldova $ Geogia $ Azerbaijan
$$$272. Where headquarter of CIS was situated? $$ Belarus $ Kazakhstan $ Ukrain $ Armenia
$$$273. ASEAN is $$ Association of South East Asian Nations $ African Soviet of European-Asian Nations $ Association of South European African Nations $ Association of South East African Nations
$$$274. CACM is $$ Central American Common Market $ Civil African Collective Market $ Central Asian Cooperation Market $ Central Australian Common Market
$$$275. When the Maastricht agreement about the Formation of Economical Union was signed? $$1992 $ 2001 $ 1995 $ 1990
$$$276. How the Agreement which was signed in 1994 is called? $$ North American Free Trade Agreement $ Agreement about “the formation of Economic Union” $ Agreement about “the Creation of the military base” $ Agreement about “the unification”
$$$277. Where did Executive secretariat of CIS begin to function? $$ In Minsk $ In Moldova $ In Russia $ In Uzbekistan
$$$278. To whom the idea about the formation of EU belonged? $$ Winston Churchill $ G.Bush $ Abraham Lincoln $ Martin Luter
$$$279. Euro commission consisted of $$27 commissars $ 30 commissars $ 25 commissars $ 40 commissars
$$$280. When APEC was established? $$1989 $ 2000 $ 1999 $ 1980
$$$281. Where the headquarter of APEC is situated? $$ Singapore $ Moscow $ Beijing $ Almaty
$$$282. European Union of coal and steel was formed by $$ FRG,Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxemburg,France,Italy $ Azerbaijan,Belgium,Kazakhstan $ France,Italy,Byelorussia,Belgium,Luxemburg,France $ FRG,Belgium,the Netherlands,Armenia
$$$283. Where the summit of APEC 2009 was held? $$ Singapore $ Bangkok $ Seoul $Canberra
$$$284. The ASEAN Plus Three is a meeting between ….. $$ China, South Korea, Japan $ RK, RF, USA $ NAFTA $ China, Uzbekistan, Russia
$$$285. Where summit of APEC in 2010 was held? $$ Japan $ Russia $ Seoul $ Washington
$$$286. The one of the main objective of ASEAN is $$ the protection of the peace and stability of the region $ to expand their influence all over the world $ to concentrate power in the hands of the elite $ to resist Chinese expansion in the region
$$$287. When Custom Union was reformed into EurAzEC? $ 2002 $ 1999 $ 1997 $$ 2005
$$$288. What are the main goals of ASEAN organization? $$ Geo-political and economic integration $ Humanitarian aid $ Resistance to Yellow revolutions $ “Green” party
$$$289. What countries does include into ASEAN plus tree? $$ People's Republic of China, Japan, South Korea $ USA, Canada, India $ UAE, Russia, North Korea $ Papua New Guinea, UK, India
$$$290. What is the current membership in Association of Southeast Asian Nations foundation? $$ 10 $ 13 $ 21 $ 17 ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||{'s':{},'b':0})['s']['_228469']=__lxGc__['s']['_228469']||{'b':{}})['b']['_699880']={'i':__lxGc__.b++};