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Vocabulary (find Russian translations)



Vocabulary (find Russian translations)

alive:living, not dead

arm:your hand is at the end of your arm

bowl:a large, round plate

cave: a very large hole under the ground

Cretan:a person from Crete

Crete:an island in Greece

dangerous: if something is dangerous, it can hurt or kill you, e.g.

Driving very fast is dangerous.

dead:when you stop living, you are dead

earthquake:a sudden, very strong movement of the ground

fall:move quickly and freely from a high place to a low place

fire:something burning, with smoke and flames

god:there were many old Greek gods: Poseidon was the old Greek

god of the sea; Apollo was the god of the sun, etc

Greece: a country in Europe

hair: it grows on your head

hall: a very big room or building (in this story, a very big cave)

hear: you see with your eyes, you hear with your ears

huge: very, very big

Iraklion: a town on Crete

Knossos: a very old place on Crete

listen: you look at something with your eyes, you listen to

something with your ears

nobody: no people

palace: a very big, beautiful house

Poseidon: the name of the old Greek god of the sea

silly:stupid, not clever

statue: something (made of stone, wood, gold, etc) that looks like a


stone: a very hard part or piece of the ground

watcher: somebody who watches

Pre-Listening Questions

1. What do you know about Greece?

2. What do you know about Greek mythology?

3. Are you an adventurer (искатель приключений)?

4. Are there any dangerous places near the place where you live?

5. Do you know any famous palaces?

6. Have you ever been in a cave?

7. What natural disasters do you know (стихийный бедствия)?



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