SEMINAR II. Activities. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 SEMINAR II Questions: 1. Define Interpersonal Communication. 2. Speak on communication continuum. 3. Describe Features of Interpersonal Communication. 4. Enlarge on eight principles of interpersonal communication. 5. Dwell on interpersonal communication competence. Activities. 1. On a sheet of paper, describe interactions in which relationship-level meanings were very important. How did you and those with whom you were interacting communicate liking, responsiveness, and power?
2. Engage the principles we’ve discussed by applying them to your own interpersonal communication. Reflect on a time when you had to make an ethical choice about how to communicate in a relationship. Describe the situation and the choice you made. How did that choice affect the relationship? What were the implications of the choice being irreversible?
3. Analyse Case Study p. 36 – 37.
4. Improve Your Metacommunication. For each of the scenarios described here, write out one verbal or nonverbal metacommunication that would be appropriate to express your feelings about what has been said or to clarify understanding.
A. You are arguing with a person who seems more interested in winning the argument than in working things through so that both of you are satisfied. You want to change how the argument is proceeding. Metacommunication: _________________________
B. Your manager at work routinely gives you orders instead of making requests. You resent it when she says to you, “Take over the front room,” “Clean up the storeroom now,” and “I want you in early tomorrow.” You want to change how your manager expresses expectations for your performance. Metacommunication: ________________
C. Lately, someone who used to be a close friend seems to be avoiding you. When you do see the friend, he seems eager to cut the conversation short. He doesn’t meet your eyes and doesn’t tell you anything about his life anymore. You want to know what is going on and how to interpret his communication. Metacommunication: __________
D. You have just spent 10 minutes telling your father why you want to study abroad next year. Earlier, your father said that studying abroad was just an extravagance, but you’ve tried to explain why it will broaden your education and your marketability when you look for a job next year. You aren’t sure your father has understood your points. Metacommunication: __________________________________________________
References: 1. Julia T. Wood. Interpersonal Communication. Everyday Encounter. 6-th edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010. (p. 19 - 37).