Sounds (Звуки). Letters (Буквы)
Lesson 1.
Ex. 1 Look at the pictures and remember how to say “Hello” and introduce yourself. (Посмотри на картинки и запомни, как поздороваться по – английски и как представиться)

Ex. 2 Remember how to answer to the question: “How are you?”

Sounds (Звуки)
Ex. 3 Remember the sounds. (Запомни звуки)

Ex. 4 Let’s learn how to read the sounds together. (Давай поучимся читать звуки вместе)
[haɪ] [he’lǝu] [hau] [ju:] [aɪm] [greɪt] [gud]
Letters (Буквы)
Ex. 5 Learn these letters and do the tasks. (Выучи эти буквы и выполни задания)
M m – [em] – [m]

L l – [ el] - [l]
