The phone call lasted ten minutes. True False ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Simple Past: What a Mess! Complete the story using the past simple regular/ irregular tenses:
After breakfast this morning, I _________ (drop) the children off at school and then I __________ (go) to the supermarket. I ___________ (need) to buy some milk, eggs and butter. It _______ (be) still early when I __________ (return) home. The children _________ (be) still at school, my husband ______ (be) at work and the house was clean and tidy. So, I ____________ (decide) to make some tarts for tea. In a short time, I _________ (get) busy mixing butter and flour and my hands ________ (be) soon ____________ (cover) with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone ________ (ring). Nothing could have been more annoying. I __________ (pick) up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I ____________ (recognize) the voice of talkative Mrs Bentley. It __________ (take) me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I __________ (hang) up the receiver. What a mess! There _______ (be) pastry on my fingers, on the telephone and door knobs. I _________ (have) no sooner ______________ (get) back to the kitchen then the door bell _________ (ring) loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he ___________ (want) me to sign for a ____________ (register) parcel.
Circle (True) or (False). And then correct all mistakes: 1. This story happened at the weekend. True False 2. The narrator needed to do some shopping. True False 3. She got home rather late. True False 4. The house needed cleaning & tidying. True False 5. She wanted to bake tarts for tea. True False 6. Mrs Bentley called her to have a chat. True False 7. The phone call lasted ten minutes. True False 8.Pastry was on her fingers, phone and door knobs. True False 9. Nobody bothered her again. True False 10.The postman wanted her to sign for a letter. True False