Task 2. Read and translate the text. – Письменный перевод текста. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 2. Read and translate the text. – Письменный перевод текста. The Realities. The Realities are names of material culture objects inherent only to certain Nations and peoples, facts of history, names of national and folklore heroes, mythological creatures. Say, Koschey the Immortal - this is the reality of Russian culture, and Baby brownie – English. There are following ways to transfer Russian realities into English: transliteration (transmission of sound and writing words in letters of another alphabet), tracing (direct transfer of meaning) and definition (descriptive translation). For example: national women's clothing as - dushegreya (transliteration), soul warmer (calque), a loose unfastened waist-long shoulder strap garment or sleeveless jacket (definitions).