Lesson 2. Grammar. Active vocabularyСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Module 9 Transportation and travel: beyond human capabilities Lesson 2 2.1. Grammar 2.1.1.Practice the third conditional: say what would or would not have happened if something had changed. Example: Karen drank a whole bottle of wine, and she had an accident. – Karen would not have had an accident if she hadn’t drunk so much. a) Jim did not arrive to the station on time, and he missed the train. b) John didn’t do any homework, and his teacher was very angry with him. c) A small kid watched a horror movie, and that night he didn’t sleep well. d) Steve did not do any revision before his exams, and he failed them. e) The children were allowed to eat a bag of candy, and they became sick. f) Edgar forgot to complete his part of the job, and his boss didn’t promote him. g) The engineers didn’t consult any technical requirements, and their design wasn’t accepted. h) The tourists hired a local guide, and they didn’t get lost in the jungle. 2.1.2.* Practice the third conditional: think about some things in your past that you would like to change. Share your stories with the group. Example: If I had studied harder during the first term, I would not have failed my chemistry exam. 2.1.3.Practice using the synonyms to “if” correctly: determine if these situations are real or unreal and use one of the synonyms from the table in 1.5.1 (lesson 1). a) If we could read other people’s minds, we would be able to stop crimes. b) If you leave the letter on the table, I will post it for you. c) If AI had already been invented, we would have established a colony on Mars by this time. d) If I had more than ten dollars, I would lend you the money. e) If they finish the report today, they will send it to us tomorrow. f) You can take the car if you buy the fuel for your ride. g) If he knew the place better, he would help you. h) If she had seen the man before, she would have recognized him.
2.2. Active vocabulary
2.2.1.Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the appropriate words from the list. a) She __________us _____the busy streets to the cathedral. b) The cars are assembled on an __________. c) Infrared __________can track an object's movement. d) I __________the rope by its end. e) The planets __________around the sun. f) They increased the dosage of the drug in small __________ over a period of several weeks. g) The rocket __________ with a container (Passive Voice). h) Mary __________ her mother in looks. i) Police are trying to reconstruct the __________ of events on the night of the murder. j) Having a __________in the middle, it folds.