Space robots. What is a Mars Rover?
1.3. Space robots
Industry is not the only field where robotics finds its application. Robots have been to space as well.
Before you read the text, discuss the followings questions with your friends:
a) How different are space robots and industrial robots?
b) What extra challenges do space robots pose to engineers?
Now read the text and see how close you were to the truth.
What is a Mars Rover?
Let's keep it simple. The definition of a rover is an exploration vehicle designed to move across unknown environment. So Mars Rovers are just mobile robots that can explore the Red Planet.
Let's look at their common features.
| to explore – исследовать
| Since they operate on Mars, these robots need to be autonomous. They cannot get a battery change, and cannot be teleoperated like robots or RC cars on Earth: the communication delay between Earth and Mars varies between 3 to 22 minutes due to the speed of light. That's why all the space rovers on Mars have solar panels to gather energy, and have to find their way by themselves. They still receive orders and special movement sequences from Earth daily, but they execute them on their own.
| tele- ['telɪ-] – приставка греческого происхождения, озн. “на расстоянии”
RC = remote-controlled
delay - задержка
sequence - последовательность
| The new Curiosity Rover does not use solar panels. Instead, it uses a nuclearbattery that provides more energy night and day.
| nuclear –атомный(об источнике энергии)
| They also need to drive on rocky, desert-like grounds. That's why they all have wheels (usually six) with a complex system of suspension. This system, called Rocker-bogie, enables the wheels to go up and down on rocks without the rover losing its balance.
| rocky - каменистый, скалистый
suspension - подвеска
| They also have a communication system that allows them to transmit information to the Earth, either directly or via some relay station (usually an orbiter). That means they must be able to locate the Earth or the relay satellite from anywhere, at any time.
| relay station -ретрансляционная станция
orbiter - a spacecraft in orbit or designed to go into orbit
| And like in the case of other space robots, all this must be done with minimum computing power. The computer and electronics hardware has to be radiation-proof, vibration-proof and anything-can-happen-proof. As a result, they run all their software on computers that are much less advanced than those currently used on Earth!
| -proof - защищённый от воздействия чего-л., устойчивый к чему-л.
| All Mars rovers have scientific instruments and other equipment to analyze Mars rocks or take realistic pictures. The space rover is a complete mobile science laboratory in itself!
| rock – горная порода
| 1.3.2. *Read the text again to find the answers to the following questions:
1. Can Mars rovers be teleoperated from Earth? Why?
2. Can the delay of communication with the Earth be reduced? Why?
3. Are rovers controlled from the Earth, or are they fully autonomous?
4. What is the advantage of a nuclear battery over solar panels?
5. What can the Rocker-bogie suspension do?
6. What does the rover’s hardware have to be protected from?
1.3.3. *Explain the following terms using the verbs on the right.
robots and RC cars can be teleoperated
| to control
to protect