Parrots ЎШ 2 mates 2 mates ЎШ Parrots belong to the class of Mammalia. All I kno-ow of these 2 is that I cannot kno-ow these 2. I will, of course, keep hoping. Parrots 2 mates "Is this young lady the wife of the gentleman Yi Sang?" "That's right." I watched the parrot fly into a rage right there. I was embarrassed and probably blushed. Parrots 2 mates 2 mates I had been banished, of course. Not banished so much as in voluntary withdrawal. My body had completely lost its bearings, was wandering off in whatever direction and so, I wept my trivial tears. "There is there." "Me." "Mine-Ah-You and me." "Me." sCANDAL, so-called: What is it? "You..." "It's you!" "You, right?" "It's you." "No, it's you!" Completely drenched, I made off like a wounded beast. Of course, there was no one who kne-ew about this or saw what happened but still really that they said those things, that they said even that.
That porcelain cup resembles my skull. I am holding the cup tight with my hand when out of my arm another absurd arm sprouts like a grafted branch and the hand pending from that arm grabs the cup in a flash and hurls it over my shoulder to the floor. Since my arm is defending the cup to the death, the shattered pieces of course are my skull which resembles the porcelain cup. If my arm had budged before the branching arm crept like a snake back into it the white paper holding back the flood water would have torn. But just as before my arm defends the porcelain cup to the death.